We broke up a few months ago. It was spring, but what was coming was not going to be a good season. Far from there. For many, for too many, there were no more days to go. Someone called it the season of heroes, but in the end, as in all epic tales, the picture fades, the credits follow, and the heroes are soon forgotten. Indeed, in some cases he has once again insulted, discriminated, and beaten them. And life has always reappeared, almost the same, with a few more masks, a few less hugs and a cumbersome anxiety from which we cannot separate. In any case, in the end, Sandro succeeded, after six long months, he returned home; him, like many other colleagues and many people who have taken Covid-19.
The fight of Sandro, nurse against the Coronavirus
It had started almost silently. A little “flu”, a few days of illness at home, messages exchanged by WhatsApp and then the desperate rush to the hospital, on the tightrope, followed by the beginning of the nightmare.
Sandro Ortolani he is friend and colleague. Director of the CdL in Nursing of the Faculty of Medicine of Ancona, former president of the Ipasvi College of the Doric capital, contributed, together with the group of tutors and teachers of the university, to the training of generations of nurses.
A job done with the method and with the heart of someone who has a lot to do and chronically few resources (oxymoron is essential) available, as is often the case with “things” in nursing.
In these six months, the health workers of Resuscitation, Pulmonology and Neurology of Ancona They did their best not to let a loved and respected colleague take away his illness.
When the lungs couldn’t take it anymore, it continued anyway, helping the body overcomeECMO, extracorporeal oxygenation. The road to recovery is long, but it is not a problem either for Sandro or for all the colleagues who have been close to him in recent weeks and, last but not least, for his wife who calmly and decisively never gave up on these. long months.
Sandro is back at home and the synthetic lines try to sum up your fight against coronavirus, they become a symbolic communication of all the experiences of those affected by the disease. Pieces of life lost and rebuilt through the narration of others, also useful to calm the deep prostration, that Covid-19 provides without problems; almost a mortgage on the desire to return to normality.
Many will write about these days, these months and this damn year. Testimonies of how, despite the fatigue, the pain, the many limitations of the closed hours inside the diving suits, we tried until the end not to give in to a saturation that was going down, to the kidneys that were about to stop, to the heart that denied his help. .
Other testimonies will be superimposed on these, made of despair and anger, resignation and an infinite sense of failure that will never go away. Unfairly.
Sandro’s story serves to reverberate lives and experiences, feelings and reasoning
Many doctors who have found themselves to treat medical colleagues, nurses who have helped other nurses, schoolmates, on duty. It is not easy to heal your loved ones, nor is it easy to wait for news about the health of your loved ones. There is no ranking in this pandemic that marks who has suffered more or less. There is not and cannot be.