Stadiums, Veneto opens to 1,000 fans in the stands. Verona-Rome tonight behind closed doors. The government convenes the Regions


In Veneto Spectators can attend sporting events, a maximum of 1,000 in outdoor venues and 700 indoors, where pre-allocation of seats is possible. The ordinance signed by the President of the Region provides for this, Luca zaia, valid from today until October 3. Fans “are obliged to occupy the specifically assigned seats for the entire duration of the event, with the prohibition of standing and mobile seats, ensuring between each seated spectator a minimum lateral and longitudinal distance of at least one meter “. Meanwhile, the Minister of Autonomies Francesco Boccia has called a videoconference meeting for this afternoon, at 5.30 pm, to discuss the issue of the reopening of the stadiums in which the ministers Spadafora and Speranza will participate, as well as the president of the Conference of the Regions, Bonaccini.

Stadiums, League disputes Series A-Government: “Without dialogue, we deserve respect.” Spadafora: “Amazed, I will receive it”

The minister’s intervention comes after the position taken by Piedmont. «After the statements of Minister Spadafora, we related to Rome. The government has assured the issue of a national measure in the next few hours ”, said the governor, Alberto Cirio, about the reopening of the stadiums. “We hope that this is not just another announcement – he adds – in this case we will resolve the matter next week at the regional level.”

In veneto

Spectators must wear masks for the duration of the event, if they are indoors; Outside, the mask must be worn from the entrance to the venue and every time you leave, including the time of departure. The ordinance also indicates “the use of digital technologies” to automate the organization of tickets, avoid “foreseeable meetings” and allow the registration of spectators; It imposes public access doors to avoid crowds by controlling the temperature and the entrances. Prohibit the entry of banners and flags; organize the departure of spectators in groups at the end of the event; A butler service must be activated with the task of assisting the public and verifying compliance with the measures. The order was issued “pending state competition guidelines regarding national and international championships.” In light of the Dpcm of August 7, extended until October 8, “the conditions exist – reads the text – to authorize … the realization of the national championship matches in the presence of the public in compliance with the provisions of the device”. .

No opening to the public, not even partial, of the Bentegodi stadium in Verona, tonight, for the first of the championship between theHellas and the Rome, but only by invitation. Sources from the Gialloblù club confirmed this to ANSA. The motivation lies in the too short term, compared to the regional ordinance issued this morning, to organize a possible ticket sales and internal assistance with commissioners in the stands.

Last update: 16:40

