Stadiums open to 1000 fans until October 7 in Serie A, government approval arrives


Fans can partially return to Italian stadiums. The go-ahead from the government has arrived for 1,000 spectators to enter the outdoor events through October 7. Therefore, a small part of the fans will be able to attend Serie A matches live, reserving seats and with the utmost respect for anti-Covid regulations. If positive responses arrive, the doors of the sports facilities could later be opened to a greater number of fans

A turning point in Italian sport, just on the day of the resumption of Serie A. In fact, the government has decided to open the stadiums to the public throughout Italy, up to a thousand spectators, starting tomorrow, until October 7 . Therefore, all outdoor sporting events will be able to count on the presence of a small number of fans from the next few hours, with the partial reopening of the facilities’ doors. A situation that is the prelude to a return to normalcy, always in line with anti-Covid restrictions. As a result of what was seen on the occasion of some friendly summers, the fans will have their seats reserved, and must observe a series of rules on social distancing and the use of protection devices.

The decision to reopen the stadiums and all the facilities that host sporting events up to a maximum of one thousand spectators throughout Italy until October 7, occurred today on the sidelines of the meeting between the ministers Spadafora, Speranza and Boccia and the president of the conference . of the Bonaccini Regions. All this after yesterday Emilia Romagna, Veneto and Lombardy had already approved the partial reopening of the sports facilities to the public
