Stadiums open at 25%, the CTS says no to the Regions: ‘Maximum criticality, there are no conditions to reopen’ | First page


The CTS responds with a resounding no to the Regions. This afternoon, the Technical Scientific Committee rejected the proposal to reopen 25% of the stadiums: “Regarding the participation of the public in the events of the different sports disciplines and the different series, confirming that represent the maximum expression of criticality for the transmission of the virus, also taking into account the recent start of the school year, whose impact on the epidemic curve will have to be analyzed in the short term, The CTS considers that, based on current epidemiological indices and in line with what has been recommended on several occasions, the conditions do not exist, at the moment, to allow the participation of spectators in outdoor and indoor events. in the manner indicated in the document prepared by the Conference of Autonomous Regions and Provinces ”.

The FIGC president also spoke about the stadiums reopening today, Gabriele Gravina.
