Stabilization of more than 60 thousand precarious workers: two solutions. One provides for a mobility freeze and a course-competition for qualifications and services


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Solving the problem of insecurity is one of the central themes of the Draghi government’s political agency.

The prime minister, on this, has spent several times avoiding numbers even greater than the current ones.

We are already more than 200 thousand substitutes. The plan, which is being worked on, reportedly The sun 24 hours, consists of involving at least 60 thousand temporary workers for a stabilization plan.

The Ministry of Education It would have already defined the staff of teachers for the next school year: 620,000 common chairs, 106,000 support chairs and 14,000 “de facto” chairs.

Almost 90,000 chairs to cover

60 thousand teachers plus 27 thousand retirements make about 90 thousand chairs to cover. The extraordinary competition held during the Azzolina era is not enough and the ordinary competitions, announced but still far from being held, will not be held in time to be valid for the 2021-2022 hires.

Two hypotheses at stake

  1. The first would go from the release of mobility and dismissal to the 5-year restriction – with 100-130 thousand teachers who would take advantage of it to get closer to home – and since the launch of a “simplified” (but not reserved) course-contest focused on service titles, to insert historical precarious, perhaps with a first year of training and entry into office in 2022/2023.
  2. The second, on the other hand, would refer to the postponement of mobility for one year. and on the confirmation of all temporary workers in the positions currently held. The course-competition has been confirmed.

One aspect to consider, always inform The sun 24 hours, refers to possible appeals: hence the idea of ​​stabilizing in sort order (hence not the ones in the presidency today, often unqualified).

Both a political and a technical agreement are needed.

The proposed technical solution passes, of course, also from politics, with M5S and IV opposed to new amnesties, Pd and Lega instead in favor of historically stabilizing precarious workers. Finding a compromise, once again, will not be easy.

The precarious take to the streets: “Classes of 18 students, it serves for teachers and professors. In Italy, one in three teachers is precarious ” [VIDEO INTERVISTA]

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