stabbed during a street fight


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A 19-year-old young man died after being stabbed during a dispute: it happened last night, Tuesday, November 3, in Casalnuovo, in the province of Naples. As it was learned, around 10:00 p.m. the victim was in Corso Umberto When she was involved in a fight, it seems for useless reasons, with someone else: At the height of the altercation, the 19-year-old was hit with several stab wounds. Rescued by the 118 health workers, the boy was rushed to the nearest hospital, where he sadly died shortly after hospitalization due to serious injuries. The carabinieri also intervened in situ, who carried out all the necessary inquiries to determine the exact dynamics that led to the dispute and then to the murder and to identify the person responsible.

The message of the mayor of Casalnuovo

During the night, informed of the incident, even the mayor of Casalnuovo, Massimo Hairy, commented on the incident on Facebook: “I am in contact with the police about a serious episode of violence that occurred in Corso Umberto. A young man lost his life, truly disconcerting news that fills us with pain. The images from the municipal video surveillance center are already being examined by the investigators ”. Therefore, the military forces are using the images from the video surveillance cameras placed in the street to try to identify the murderer. When the news of the 19-year-old’s death spread in the city, dozens and dozens of messages of condolence to the young man’s family reached social networks.
