“Squeezed until May 3 and the yellow zones suspended”, the plan divides the government


If the line of “maximum prudence” is imposed again, the new anti-Covid grip will be neither a week nor a fortnight. After the armored Easter, the closures could continue until May 3. With one almost certain exception: as of Tuesday, April 6, kindergarten and primary school students must return to class “if the epidemiological situation allows it,” as Mario Draghi said in Parliament.

The government is divided. Matteo Salvini opposes the extension of the restrictions and would like the return of the yellow zones as of April 7. And so, a part of Forza Italia. Even the prime minister says that “it is time to start thinking about reopening”, but so far Draghi has always embraced the line of rigor “on the basis of objective scientific data”. And the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS) and the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza argue that the situation of the pandemic advises against lowering our guard.

Everything will depend on the weekly report on the progress of the epidemic that is expected for tomorrow. After the control room meets, the CTS and the prime minister will convene a majority summit to draft the new decree. The truth summit was already scheduled yesterday, but then postponed until tomorrow afternoon.

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Draghi – while Salvini tries to put him on his side, letting it be known that he is “in absolute and complete harmony with the prime minister on the issue of reopening” – would like to avoid further suffering for the citizens. And he is aware of the “psychological fatigue” of Italians after more than a year of restrictions. Above all, the former head of the ECB does not intend to follow in the footsteps of Angela Merkel, who regained the Easter lockdown in just 24 hours.
On Tuesday, during the summit with Speranza and CTS chiefs Franco Locatelli and Silvio Brusaferro, however, it was pointed out to Draghi that “the trend of infections is still alarming and there is no need to loosen the grip although the curve of the the epidemic is flattening out. ”Furthermore, the death toll is worrying, never higher since January. And the situation in intensive care and medical areas, which, in some regions, are beyond the critical threshold, is alarming. mention that the impact of the variants is far from being absorbed.

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Hence the guidance of the Cts, Speranza and the head of delegation of Pd Dario Franceschini and 5Stelle Stefano Patuanelli, to maintain “the rigorous current system.” Also, do not compromise the vaccination campaign that is finally accelerating ». “And given the situation,” says a senior government source as a result of the file, “we could not extend the measures for one week or ten days, but at least until the end of April.” Perhaps until Monday, May 3 to “cover” the weekend of May 1: «In fact, the red zone is working, the epidemic curve is slowing down. With all the more reason we cannot lower our guard, we risk making the sacrifices made so far in vain ».

This means, except for surprises caused by the Salvini highs and fears about the “economic cost” of the extension of the closures, that the new decree could maintain the current restrictions. Thus, given that the “lowest echelon” must remain orange despite the cheers of the League and part of Forza Italia for the restoration of the yellow zones, the prohibition to move between Regions and the closure of bars could be confirmed in all of Italy. , the stop in the shopping centers on weekends, in addition to the curfew from 22 to 5 and the closing of cinemas, theaters, gyms and swimming pools.

In the red zone, the tightening will continue to be higher. In these areas of the country (which at the moment are the majority and are expanding due to the aggressiveness of the variants) all shops, except food, tobacconists and pharmacies, will remain closed. Hairdressers, barbers, beauty centers and sports clubs will be kept prohibited. However, the government should confirm the possibility of reaching second homes, even outside the Region, subject to local bans.

The only certain news, at the moment, is the reopening of kindergartens and primary schools. Even in the red zone. All ministers, including Hope, agree. But even in this case, the green light “will depend on the progress of the epidemic”, as Draghi has said in Parliament.
