SPY FINANCE / The media hidden truth about the Trump-Biden transition


As you know, I have never been a fan of Donald Trump. I have never demonized him a priori, but I have always considered him the useful idiot at the service of a system from which he profited greatly, between speculation and bankruptcy, boasting a closeness to the people that never really existed. He was the man of the great deception, the protagonist of the storm morphing of a deeply unequal and class-based society that actually had to remake a virginity after 2008 and the farce of Barack Obama’s new Glass-Steagall Act, which offered the public opinion the lark of sovereignty, while Wall Street remained unfazed to grind up profits with the free money (and everything) from the Fed.

Do you want a practical example? Here these two graphs show us, just to put the question in perspective. In the riotous 1980s, a US citizen needed less than 20 man-hours to buy a stock listed on the Standard & Poor’s 500. Today it takes 141. Something is wrong.

And in what general context does this historical change take place? Last Friday, the global market capitalization hit a record: $ 100 trillion. Thanks also, especially since the beginning of the pandemic, to those citizens who have to work like crazy to be able to ride. But those who have been trapped by the narrative of the historical occasion, the nascent market of the century, by the Fomo fever or the Fear of getting lost: fear of missing the train. Here is the great miracle of morphing Trumpian: Transforming Subjects and Sheep into Adoring and Thankful Participants in the Grand Global Casino Perhaps, risking the mortgaged house. Someone calls him American dream, I call it insanity.

That said, it’s even more incredible how the media conceals the hidden reality of post-election America. For everyone, Joe Biden is now at the head of the transition team and only the last bureaucratic deadlines are expected: December 10 to close the accounts with legal disputes, early January for the supplementary in Georgia that will decide the political control of the Senate. YOpening day January 21, when the president-elect will be sworn in and take office in the White House. Are you sure everything is going so well? Let’s be clear: Get out of your head that Donald Trump can win at the cause level and stay in office. However, the context in which his farewell will take place is different. In fact, the political value that will have to be paid as good start for the services provided to the System.

Last Thursday, with Wall Street closing half an hour away, Pfizer announced that it had to cut its vaccine availability in half by 2020, from 100 million to 50 million doses, due to supply chain difficulties. Immediately, the American indices drifted, like Pavlov’s good dogs. On the other hand, Asia ignored the news in trading on Friday night. Besides Europe, the next morning. Perhaps the vaccine is no longer a market engine? Of course yes. The problem is that this news was not news. Come back in mid-October with a Google search to find a press release in which the same drug company set its 2020 target at 50 million doses.

In fact, who has been optimistic about that goal? The general and self-generated narrative of the madness of the market. In addition, of course, to the renewed wave of social fear linked to Covid, which has returned with force to the top of American concerns, also thanks to a real hammering of the media system. Which, of course, is pleased to show alarming figures on hospitalizations and deaths. For the simple reason that, otherwise, you must report the current health status of the alleged the largest democracy in the world. In fact, what had always happened last Thursday and in the hours before Pfizer’s fake ad? Rabobank’s Micheal Every brought to life an extraordinary summary of those hours. These are the highlights.

For example, the Wisconsin Supreme Court rejected a case related to the dispute by a few thousand votes eliminated for “technical discrepancies”, but did not do so because the issue does not exist, but because the case must first be presented in lower courts. of the same State. Where, for example, two other similar cases are still pending response. But that is not enough. In recent days, in fact, all the Italian media have emphatically relaunched the news of Donald Trump’s phone call to the Republican governor of Georgia, in which the outgoing president would in fact have asked for his proclamation as the winner, despite the fact that the count had rewarded Joe. Biden. However, no one has told him the reason for that unusual phone call. In fact, during an ad hoc hearing at the Georgia Senate Election Commission, a video shot by closed-circuit television cameras was viewed showing four suitcases of ballots jumping from under a table and being scrutinized and counted. , all while counting operations were officially suspended due to a broken pipe that had flooded the seat.

There are dozens of witnesses willing to confirm the irregularities and the same analysis of the electoral data reveals discrepancies attributable only to the count of illegitimate preferences. And in light of the evidence, the governor of the state of Georgia, the same one who would have opposed a proud no to Donald Trump’s political pressure phone call, could not help but contact the Secretary of State to bring a general audit of all. the votes. Something that could potentially reverse the official response in a key state. Obviously, it won’t happen. For the simple fact that, Constitution in hand, all legal disputes must be resolved by December 10 – otherwise, Joe Biden will be proclaimed. And the same happened in Nevada, where a state court judge summoned to rule on a dispute linked to illegitimate votes postponed and then closed the case, except that he had to admit – on the record – “a preponderance of evidence” in favor of thesis of the prosecution.

Not enough for you? In an Arizona court, the paradox of legitimizing Donald Trump’s conspiracy theses was reached, just to buy time. The defense, in fact, admitted that from a sample of 1,600 disputed votes, the potential advantage of the former president would be reduced to only 6 preferences, much less than 2-3% of the total that Donald Trump’s entourage claimed as advantage. “Raptured” during the vote. Net that, in this way, the State explicitly admits the fraud, there remains the mathematical evidence of a margin of victory for Joe Biden that is so small that he cannot close the case. Which, in fact, remains open, paradoxically because of the defense admissions. Obviously, all with the certainty that nothing concrete can happen between now and December 10.

Finally, here is the case from Pennsylvania. Where Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito made an unprecedented decision Sunday: change one deadline ongoing, given a “forgetting” related to the call safe harbor window, or the time that must elapse between the resolution of a legal controversy and the vote of the State representatives for the appointment of the President. Everything arises from the complaint of the deputy and very loyal Trumpian Mike Kelly, who filed an appeal regarding the violation of both state and federal law of Pennsylvania in relation to the so-called Law 77 of the electoral law modified in 2019: in terms simple, Mike Kelly believes that in voting operations the so-called voting regime no excuse mail, or the option to vote by mail in the absence of a legitimate and proven impediment to the fulfillment of their duty in person and at headquarters.

In the first instance, Judge Alito had set the deadline for getting a response from Pennsylvania officials at 4:00 pm local time on December 9, just to change his mind and fix the situation. deadline at 9 a.m. today, December 8. The reason? State deputies will meet for the presidential ratification vote at 12 noon on December 14 in the Harrisburg Parliament, and by law any legal dispute that may affect that vote must be resolved at least six days prior to the convocation. The first term did not respect the norm, the second did. And, in fact, it dramatically shortens the time Mike Kelly can count on to get an official opinion on his allegations, which had already been prejudiced by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court a week ago.

Do you understand under what conditions good old Joe Biden comes to the White House? Understand what the state of the art is in the largest democracy in the world? And do you think, then, that Wall Street will allow the newly elected and their entourage to really make a difference, primarily with regard to the fateful role of the Fed and the Treasury’s transfer policy? Do you know, also last Thursday, how a source from Joe Biden’s shadow administration responded to Bloomberg, when asked for a comment on Donald Trump’s ongoing new tweets about stock records? Biden’s team is prepared to include finance, venture capital, private equity, and asset management students.. A bit like moles Blues brothers, when asked about what music was played at the club, the answer was a circlebottista We have both types, we have country and western. Well, the Biden administration will make the driven and openly leftist progressivism of Kamala Harris coexist with the grisaille of investment banks – the recipe for guaranteed disaster, in short.

Gentlemen, certain news only serves to cover up reality. Like Pfizer’s bogus warning about vaccines. Do you think that the pantomime that takes place in the Month is an exception? Smoke screens don’t have borders or passports.

