Sports, gyms and restaurants: all Dpcm measurements


Giuseppe Conte talks to the Italians to illustrate all the innovations introduced in the new Dpcm– The decisions made by the government are based on the protection of work and school, with the stated aim of slowing the spread of the coronavirus by fighting concentrations. This is a “mini squeeze” considering the rumors that have circulated in recent days. In the executive there are those who pushed until the last to try the hard blow, but the Prime Minister has frozen the line very rigid as he believes that the lockdown and curfew are not part of Giallorossi’s strategy to deal with the second wave of Covid-19. The negotiation was complicated and at times lively. The drastic contraction of commercial activity was also avoided thanks to the position of the Regions, which made a series of proposals to which the prime minister could not say no.

And that is why the holder of the majority explained that the new measures go in a very specific direction: limit gatherings and reduce opportunities for coexistence. The latest draft of the Dpcm establishes that mayors may order the closure to the public, after 9:00 p.m., of streets or squares in urban centers. A kind of red zoneswhere storage situations may arise, without prejudice to the possibility of access and exit to commercial establishments and legitimate private homes open“. But, as is known, this could jump due to the opposition of the first citizens.”The government, without even addressing the issue in the numerous meetings at this time, inserts in a Dpcm a norm that seems to have the sole objective of placing the responsibility of the curfew on the shoulders of the mayors in the eyes of the public opinion. We do not accept this“thundered the president of Anci Antonio Decaro. hairdresser and the beauty centers are out of the limitations.

Conte, announcing that he had already signed the Dpcm, announced that the new rules will serve to avoid a emergency shutdown widespread that could seriously compromise the economy. “We can’t waste time“, he added. That is why he urged not to lower the guard with relatives and friends: “We have to wait a few days to see the results of these measures. The situation is critical, but the government is there, but everyone will have to do their part“.

Restaurants closed at midnight

The restaurant node was the one that most discussed in the government, which started a coherent dialogue with the governors and with the technical-scientific committee. Regarding the closing of commercial activities in general, Pub, restaurants, ice cream parlors and pastry shops, the bar stopped at midnight, specifying that the subsequent opening will not be possible before 5 in the morning. The draft of the new Dpcm confirms the maximum limit of 6 seats per table in the restaurant. “Catering with delivery to home in compliance with the hygienic-sanitary regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as, up to 24 hours, catering with takeout food, with prohibition of consumption on site or nearby“. Exhibitors will be required to place a sign at the entrance to the venue indicating the maximum number of people admitted at the same time.

Transportation between school and work

The most sensitive issue undoubtedly refers to local public transport: meetings at stops and on board vehicles are practically on the agenda. In the last hours Paola De Micheli, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, had already declared: “For our part there is maximum availability. There are already 1,628 tourist buses in circulation and we are ready to update the local public transport system“It goes towards the obligation of intelligent working 70% of the Public Administration for workers not involved in emergency management.

After communication to the Ministry of Education by the regional, local or health authorities of critical situations and of particular risk referred to specific territorial contexts, secondary education institutions of second grade may adopt “to form flexible in the organization of teaching activities by increasing the use of integrated digital teaching, which continues to be complementary to face-to-face teaching, further modulating the management of students’ entry and exit times, including through the possible use of afternoon shifts and provided that the entry does not take place in any case before 9.00“.

The reaction of Anna Maria Bernini, president of the senators of Power Italy: “The schools will reopen tomorrow morning, but families still do not know what they will be able to do: Minister Azzolina announces that teaching will continue to be available to all, while the Regions and Municipalities push for remote teaching in rotation and the Municipalities to differentiate between entry hours. While waiting for another Dpcm, the government only knows how to sow uncertainty, without ever consulting the oppositions“.

Sports and gyms knot

In gyms swimming pool and the sports centers are still open. In recent months, the sector has had to face enormous expenses to adapt its spaces to security protocols ”.and no scientific evidence reports outbreaks in relation to individual training in controlled settings“Sources from the Ministry of Sports had underlined. The possible closure sees the opposition of Minister Vincenzo Spadafora and Italia Viva, but also part of the 5-Star Movement is not entirely convinced. In this sense Conte has launched a real ultimatum: “We have varied and contradictory news. Very often protocols are followed, other times not. We will give one week to adjust protocols and verify compliance. If this happens, there will be no reason to close the gyms, otherwise next week we will be forced to suspend the gyms and swimming pools as well.“.

Sports driving Contact, as identified by a provision of the Minister of Sport, is allowed for events and competitions related to individual and team sports recognized as of national or regional interest by the Italian National Olympic Committee (Coni), by the Italian Paralympic Committee (Cip) and by the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, sports promotion bodies or organized by international sports organizations. “Sport activity amateur Basic, school and start-up training activities related to contact sports are allowed only on an individual basis and no competitions or competitions are allowed. All races, competitions and activities related to contact sports that have a recreational-amateur nature are also suspended.“is written in the draft.

Games and events rooms

The activities of the galleries, salons bet and bingo rooms are allowed from 8 to 21 “provided that the Autonomous Regions and Provinces have previously verified the compatibility of the development of the aforementioned activities with the evolution of the epidemiological situation in their territories and that they identify the appropriate applicable protocols or guidelines to prevent or reduce the risk of contagion in the sector. reference or similar sectors“.

Suspension of festivals, festivals, national fairs and all the activities of conventions or congresses, except those carried out remotely. All public ceremonies must be held in accordance with current protocols and guidelines “and with the condition that adequate specific measures are ensured to limit the presence of the public, with the exception of those of national importance, they are carried out without the presence of the public.“; in public administrations, meetings will be held remotely”,unless there are justified reasons of public interest“Remote events are also strongly recommended. meetings private. National and international trade shows are still allowed. The celebration of public events is only allowed statically “provided that, during the same, the prescribed social distances and other containment measures are respected, in compliance with the provisions of the commissioner“.

“Month? Just serve”

Responding to one of the questions from the journalists present, the premier spoke about the European Stability Mechanism. Faced with a limited profit in terms of lower interest to pay to finance “,there is stigma to consider“That is the potential negative consideration of the markets for the countries that access the Month, which”is an unknown factor to consider“. But he keeps making melina:”If we need cash, the Month will be one of the tools to consider, otherwise it doesn’t make sense“.
