Since October important news for users of INPS services, businessmen, families who have hired domestic workers. What you need to know
Since October important news for users of INPS services, businessmen, families who have hired domestic workers. What you need to know
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Spid required to access Inps services, mandatory Pec for companies, entry into force of the new contract for caregivers and nannies: these are some of the changes that await us from October 1. A date for which, therefore, it is better to prepare, especially those affected by these changes.
Spid to access Inps
As of October 1, 2020, INPS will no longer release Pins as access credentials for its services. The Pin will be replaced by Spid, the Public Digital Identity System that allows access to online services of the public administration and that is also necessary to access some incentives implemented by the government for the Covid emergency such as the bicycle voucher, for example. .
For those who are currently using the Pin, the transition to the Spid will take place gradually: according to the instructions provided by the Inps circular of July 17, 2020, n. 87, a transitory phase is foreseen that will end with the definitive termination of the validity of the Pins issued by the Institute.
Mandatory pec for companies
No later than October 1, 2020, all companies, already incorporated in a corporate form, communicate their digital address to the commercial registry if they have not yet fulfilled this requirement ”. That is art. 37 of the decree law of July 16, 2020, n. 76, the so-called Simplifications. The digital home is substantially, at the moment, the Pec.
In case of not communicating and / or updating your Pec before October 1, 2020, sanctions may be applied: for companies from 206 to 2,064 euros (the reference is article 2630 of the civil code) and for individual companies from 30 1,548 euros (the reference is article 2194 of the civil code). For companies that after the term will not have a digital address, in addition to the payment of the administrative fine, the assignment of the position is foreseen.