“Speranza pretends not to understand”: a surprise move from the judges about the secret plan


The move is curious and also takes applicants by surprise. After having presented a first defense brief, the defense attorney of the ministry that presides Roberto Speranza Last Friday he sent a second letter to Lazio TAR accompanied by a “documentary deposit.” They are two pages, but of considerable importance in the controversy that revolves around the “secret plan” againstCOVID-19. Presenting itself as a “diligent party”, the Department of Health has foreseen the “filing” of a file: is it perhaps the so mysterious “Operational Plan” created in early February and never made public? No. It’s Stefano Merler’s studio again.

On December 22, the dicastery must appear before the judges of the TAR of Lazio due to the appeal presented by two deputies of the Brothers of Italy. Galeazzo bignami me Marcello Gemmato, after having accessed the documents to obtain the Anti-Covid “secret plan”They have gone to the administrative court to ask the robes to force the ministry to publish the document. The objective is to obtain the dossier mentioned by Andrea Urbani, director of programming of the ministry, in an interview with Messenger Service in April, when he denied the existence of “decision-making gaps” in the first wave, revealing that “already on January 20 we had a secret plan prepared and we are following that plan.” As revealed by the Giornale.it, from the parts of viale Lungotevere Ripa 1, they more than responded to the request for transparency and in the first defensive brief, the State attorney showed his teeth. The defensive line is this: affirming that everything would have arisen from “erroneous interpretations of the statements made” by Urbani, that the text requested by the applicants would only be the study carried out by Stefano merler and that therefore there is no “plan”. A position already held in the past by both the minister and other members of the government, as well as Agostino Miozzo of the CTS, although a highly qualified source of the Giornale.it and the CTS minutes say otherwise. A Operational plan for preparation and response to different scenarios of possible development of a 2019-nCov epidemic in fact it exists, and although everyone is talking about it, it has yet to be officially revealed.

For the ministry, however, Merler’s “Plan” and “analysis” are the same. Viale Lungotevere Ripa admits that the February 12 He “learned” from the study, but denies it was “directed at” or “acquired.” To have it, it would be the CTS, which is part of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. Then: it also touches the Palazzo Chigi. After reading this memorandum, Bignami, Gemmato and the lawyer Marzot Silvia who assists them had put their hearts at peace and awaited the hearing scheduled for next Tuesday. Instead, the “second memory” appeared on Friday. The state attorney, to show itself as a “diligent party” made the effort to ask the Cts “the document for which access was requested (that is, the study prepared by the Bruno Kessler Foundation of Trento entitled 2019-NCOV propagation scenarios in Italy and impact on the health service, in case the virus cannot be contained locally) “and deposited it. As if to say: game over and everyone happy.

The problem is that Bignami, Gemmato and many citizens of that study do nothing. Besides having already been published, the parliamentarians do not believe that this is the “plan” that Urbani spoke about in the interview. A source of the Giornale.it in fact, it ensures that the two documents are different. What Merler presents on February 12 in Cts it is a relationship formed by projections and mathematical studies. But it stops there and gives no directions. Therefore, nothing to do with the guidelines and scenarios that will later be included in the plan drawn up within the Technical Scientific Committee. What emerges (more than two weeks after Merler’s analysis), in fact, is much more complex work. A draft of that “plan” on February 20 is presented with many slides to Minister Speranza, as reported in Coronavirus Black Book (read here). Could it be that Urbani, or the journalist who reported the interview, meant “February 20” instead of “January 20” in reference to the “secret plan” used to respond to the coronavirus? Maybe.

“Enough already, attack Bignami – The Ministry mocks the Italians and pretends not to understand. And even the state attorney will answer for what he wrote and produced. Because this time we take everything to the Criminal Prosecutor’s Office. We had said it from the beginning: if they were not trying to produce the Merler study, we want the secret plan that Urbani, director of the ministry since April, has been talking about. Merler’s study is a predictive model that hypothesizes about the spread of Covid. Urbani speaks in several interviews about the Covid counterattack plan. They are two radically different things. In the next few days we will formalize the criminal complaints because obviously it is the only solution left by all those who are hiding these domunenti. Because the alternative is that there is no plan to combat the pandemic and that is why the senior officials of the Ministry lied to the Italians. So either there is incompetence or there is bad faith. In any case, Speranza and the heads of the ministry must respond ”.
