ROME His Milan me Naples maximum attention. The virus curve has skyrocketed and it doesn’t want to bend. Specific focus on the two cities, the summary of the letter that Minister Speranza sent to the mayors Sala and de Magistris, who had written to him alarmed by the words of his adviser, Ricciardi (necessary confinement). In government, the English word that makes you shiver is no longer an eyelash, not even for the whole country. Let’s wait for France and Germany, was the leitmotif yesterday morning between the Ministry of Health and the Palazzo Chigi.
And at night, after Macron and Merkel announced the new closures, the Italian government was not talking about anything else: closure. Not now, not right away. Speranza works to prevent it, but fears that the health system will not hold. On his table is an alarming graph that reveals how the testing system is unable to better withstand the impact of increased infections. Regarding Milan and Naples, the minister writes to the mayors that the monitoring system indicates a clear trend that requires the utmost attention from all institutional levels.
Red areas on the way? Governor De Luca was enraged by Ricciardi’s evaluations and wrote Conte to highlight the puzzling claims of national health consultants regarding Campania. Even the prime minister was concerned, but at the summit with the unions he rejects the national blockade: give the recently approved restrictive measures time to fully deploy their effects. A few hours earlier, during question time in the Chamber, the Prime Minister himself invited France and Germany to look at them, forced to announce severe restrictive measures.
The rules that have triggered protests and confrontations respond to a precise strategy to manage the pandemic without feeling overwhelmed. Without the harsh but necessary measures the government has taken, the epidemiological curve is destined to spiral out of control. The grave situation. Conte confirms that the objective of the Dpcm is to avoid a new blockage. But in the meantime, the MEF is counting, because Minister Gualtieri believes that the best medicine to boost the economy is to stop the pandemic. The prime minister assures that the rules have been studied on the basis of the indications of the scientists. And it reveals that, according to the CTS study, in Italy we are in the type 3 scenario, which requires strong measures: staggered lessons at school, suspension of risky activities and smart work to lighten transportation. Is a grip already insufficient? At 9:30, Conte will answer the room.
October 29, 2020 (change October 29, 2020 | 07:27)