Specific closures, new schedules and stops to travel – Time


It will not be a blockade, but by Monday a new Dpcm will be signed with more restrictive measures to stop the increase in Covid-19 infections. The orientation is not to repeat a confinement such as the one experienced in March, but to establish with surgical precision what are the most critical situations in the different territories and to arrange selective closures. Among the hypotheses that circulate, large cities such as Naples, Turin and Milan would be in the spotlight, but Rome is also on the list of special observers. The premier, Giuseppe Conte, is only waiting for the report of the Technical-Scientific Committee on the most alarming cases to put on paper the measures that will be discussed tomorrow by the ministers Francesco Boccia and Roberto Speranza with the Regions, Anci and Provinces in the morning, and illustrated by the same. Prime Minister to the heads of delegation of the government forces first, and to the majority and leaders of the opposition groups at the end of the afternoon.

Today, meanwhile, the President of the Government has held a long debate with the representatives of the government forces, also extended to the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Silvio Brusaferro, the president of the Superior Health Council, Franco Locatelli, the coordinator of the Committee . technical-scientist, Agostino Miozzo, and the commissioner for the emergency, Domenico Arcuri. During the meeting, the data of the epidemiological curve were analyzed from the work carried out by the ISS, the starting point for the discussion of the new measures to be adopted. The summit is also an opportunity for a lengthy Arcuri report on health facilities and the availability of intensive care, explaining that in some territories ‘non-Covid’ hospitalizations are not accepted, except in urgent cases that cannot be postponed.

The situation is decidedly serious, although several government sources reiterate that the second wave was planned, to the point that any measure adopted will respect the indications made by the ISS last summer in case of exceeding the fearsome Rt index by 1.5 and 2. “There is no crystal ball, the data is worrying and although others are worse than us, this does not console us at all,” says Conte at the Leaf party. Admit “trusting” that by the end of spring Italy will be able to “face” the pandemic. A hope more than a forecast. In the meantime, we must manage the present, so Conte has already summoned the presidents of the Senate and Chamber, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati and Roberto Fico, calling for a parliamentary confrontation “before a new measure that the government intends to adopt on Monday for the night”. , Chigi’s sources know. On the same day, the Chief Executive will report to Montecitorio (at 12) and Palazzo Madama (at 17).

Later, the prime minister also contacted the opposition leaders, inviting them to indicate a representative for each political force: the intention is to inaugurate a permanent discussion table with the executive starting tomorrow. Offer that, for the moment, seems to have been returned to the sender by the three leaders of the center-right. “It is late, there is Parliament”, affirm Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi in a joint note. But the game is still open.

There is no emergency control room.  But the center-right says no to Conte
