
Forza Italia belongs to the center right and will continue to be so. Word of Silvio Berlusconi which in every way removes the voices that want it from the government side. “Nothing happens, we have put the interest of the country before the conveniences of the party. This is nothing new. The truth is that the country is going through the most dramatic crisis of its modern history. An unprecedented health and economic crisis after the war. How do you waste time in the political theater while people die in resuscitation or find no place in hospitals? ”, He asks rhetorically in an interview with The newspaper. The blue leader also denies disagreements with Matteo salvini that have been on the front page of newspapers in recent days. Disagreements that culminated in the passage from Forza Italia to Carroccio of three deputies and that saw the Northern League oppose the “salvo-Mediaset” voted by the government to prevent the promotion of French Vivendi.

And precisely as a proposition by this Berlusconi continues: “Sovereignty is not bad if it means pride in your identity and its values, it becomes like this if it is an obstacle to collaboration between countries, especially, and here there seems to be an excavation in the allies of Salvini and Giorgia Meloni – among Europeans who have common values and interests. This idea of sovereignty is very similar to that nationalism that has been at the origin of many tragedy the last century. Today some sovereign thrusts in Europe hinder, for example, the Recovery Fund and, therefore, help in the face of the Covid emergency that Italy urgently needs. “Basically – this is the conclusion – all this should make us reflect.” A good connoisseur a few words.