Posted on: 03/05/2020 23:29
“These days I have heard intolerable things to southerners.” The said President of the Campania region, Vincenzo De Luca, to “Che tempo che fa” in Rai2. “But is it ever possible, he added, that even today someone can afford to say that southerners are shorter? So it depends on what we decide to measure about inferiority, but forget it,” he added.
Speaking of Phase 2, De Luca said: “Mobility between regions is not allowed, so obviously there is some aspect of the national ordinances that I have considered leopard, let’s say very poetic. This return to stable affections is really somewhat leopard.”
“As far as we are concerned, he explained, we will do a preventive work, we have organized a control work in the stations, in the toll booths, we will make 10,000 quick kits. We cannot allow dozens of people to come to our region who have a contagion, because this would really make us start again. “
De Luca recalled that “two long-distance trains will leave tomorrow from Turin, perhaps a more delicate situation than from Milan. We will have to do a very careful job and I hope that nobody will take any nonsense about the North-South relationship, which has nothing to do with that. ” nothing. We’re just talking about prevention work here. “
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