“Soon they suffered infections like in France, stricter measures. Behave like we’re locked up “


Covid, Lopalco:

Curfew, self certification move, in the background, the possibility of reducing travel between Regions. But in addition to what has already been anticipated, other “important” measures may be necessary to share infections. The epidemiologist and health adviser of the Puglia region is convinced of this Dock Luigi lopalco, who spoke to Sky TG24.

Conte: We have complex weeks ahead, protecting health to protect the economy

“At this time we must try to anticipate the epidemiological situation, which is evident in neighboring countries – he said – We must intervene immediately with some important measures because otherwise the direction of the infections is that, I don’t see why what is happening in France should not happen in Italy ».

“Strict measures everywhere”

Apprehensions shared by the president of the Puglia region, Michele Emiliano, which on facebook asks the government a more restrictive intervention to face the emergency coronavirus.

«We need severe measures in all parts of Italy before our hospitals overflow – writes Emiliano – The number of infected is too high and we must reduce it by slowing the movement of people. You have to leave home alone to work, educate yourself or for other serious needs. “Our social and family life – he continues – must be very prudent. A few more risks can be accepted just to ensure everyone’s economic survival. If economic activities are affected, the rule must be that the survival of these families must be guaranteed by all those who continue to work and produce income. We must come out of it with unity, solidarity and attention ».

Come locked up

The situation compared to March “is completely different, because in March we suffered a pandemic wave without warning and without doing anything because we did not know that this series of infections was brewing. Now we see the infections, we are recording them and trying to control them. However, we should behave individually and spontaneously as if we were in emergency shutdown», Lopalco stressed. “Now,” he added, “we know that we have to control infections but only Health cannot do it because it is not possible, it is necessary to take so-called non-medical measures, such as social distancing, masks and confinement. Before even waiting for the government’s decision, all Italians must realize that the situation is critical and must limit personal contacts to a minimum ”. At this moment, Lopalco points out, “intensive care is not a problem, now the problem is the availability of ordinary beds. The other problem is tracking in the territory. “There is no use talking about what went wrong – he concluded – if there are no men we cannot train them in two months, it takes ten years to train a specialist. In Italy we have been short-staffed for years and years.

The hospitals

For Lopalco “for the moment intensive care is not a problem, now the problem is the availability of normal beds. The other problem is the tracking in the territory, in Puglia for example at the moment we are holding on but if the numbers were to increase, the tracking should be relaxed because there are no men. “There is no use talking about what went wrong, if there are no men we cannot train them in two months, it takes ten years to train a specialist. In Italy we have been short of staff for years and years ”, he concluded.

Schools alert

“There is no doubt that in recent weeks there has been an increase in infections in the school age group, which however probably occurred outside the classroom. Inside the classrooms there is control and distancing, so there is no great risk of contagion. At the moment there are very few cases of outbreaks in schools ”, adds Lopalco to television. “It seems – he said – that infections are not occurring in school structures, but what is feared is what happens outside the school, at the entrance, at the exit and in the transport”.

Last updated: 18:33

