Solinas, with an increase in infections prepared for drastic interventions – Last Hour


(ANSA) – CAGLIARI, OCT 21 – “If in the next few hours the number of infections increases again and the number of hospitalizations continues to increase with the current trend, we will be prepared to intervene radically to reverse this trend and better protect the health of all Sardinians “. This was stated by the president of the Sardinia Region, Christian Solinas, after the latest bulletin issued by the regional crisis unit. “This means – he explains – in agreement with the Minister of Health and with the help of the regional scientific committee, to apply in Sardinia a ‘Stop & Go’ of 15 days for the main activities, with the simultaneous closure of ports and airports to limit Circulation quickly and efficiently of people and, with them, of the virus. ”Naturally, then Solinas announces,“ we will prepare a series of economic support measures to support the losses derived from the temporary suspension of activities ”.

“The progression of the contagion curve – underlines Solinas – is registering an acceleration that requires further and timely actions to avoid compromising the health system and regular care.” So far, he adds, “thanks to the extraordinary commitment of the hospital, territorial and administrative staff, the emergency has been governed in an orderly and effective manner.” But today, he clarifies, “we are faced with a new fact: the chains of contagion are multiplying exponentially because too many people have lowered their guard and are underestimating the magnitude of the phenomenon, so much so that the simple resort to common sense and responsibility in observing the good practices (personal distancing, prohibition of meeting, hand hygiene) seem not to be enough ”(ANSA).