Antonio Pasquale Belloi Before arriving in the Region – and being the head of Civil Protection – he had a single “managerial position”, according to his own curriculum, which the president considers appropriate Christian solinas and by the councilor Valeria satta. Belloi had coordinated the “firefighters sports group”, based in Nuoro and named after Francesco Atzori. It is a “non-profit, non-political, amateur association” and of which the volunteer engineer and firefighter “was section chief.” However, never director, “function that by statute belongs instead to the commander of the detachment.” Under investigation, with the same allegations of abuse of power and attempted extortion, there are also Maria Grazia Vivarelli, who heads the Solinas Cabinet Office at the Palace.
Belloi’s curriculum, and all of these earlier clarifications, were reviewed by Sdirs, the regional managers union led by Cristina Malavasi that in December 2019 he filed an appeal before the TAR against the appointment of Belloi, which has now cost Solinas and Satta the accusation of abuse of power and attempted extortion. Belloi is a Sardista from PSD’Az, the same party as the governor. And in fact it was Solinas himself who wanted him in the DG team in this legislature that began in March 2019.
As for Solinas’ possible responsibilities, the ball is in the hands of the Cagliari judiciary. The accusations against the president of the region and Councilor Satta made the prosecutor Andrea Vacca which closed the investigation. Now they have begun the twenty days of time that the law grants to the suspects to defend themselves (with a defensive letter or appearing before the own investigating judge). After which the prosecutor formulates the requests that end up being examined by the investigating judge.
Belloi was hired for the first time in September 2019. Until December of the same year. The public deed in the Region was signed by the then Personnel Manager (Management Service), Federica Loi, which however is not investigated. Then the head of Civil Protection worked for a month without a contract. So much so that the case ended up at the premier’s table Giuseppe Conte (read here). So the second contract signed on January 30, 2020, when the DG became the HR department Silvia Cocco, also outside the investigation.
In the appeal filed a year ago by the Sdirs, it is again written, in reference to Belloi: “For all of 2019, in fact, the engineer had to abstain from participating in any expression of interest in the Region, since in 2018 he was a councilor of Nuoro, or in a municipality with more than 15 thousand inhabitants. According to the provisions of Legislative Decree 39/2013, a one-year pause is needed before being able to perform management functions in the highest public administration of the island. Basically, Belloi it also had “a non-transferability restriction that has not been respected.”
As is clear from the contracts, these are the items of Belloi’s salary. Tabular salary, fourteen months’ salary: € 42,315.95; fixed position remuneration 9 thousand euros; variable remuneration per position € 48,360; Contract vacation allowance € 253.96.
Alessandra Letter
(@alessacart on Twitter)