
Francesco Storace
The meekness of hope. It seems like an evangelical passage, but it is only the unfortunate recklessness of a minister looking for enemies to point out the public opinion. The voice of the escaped sen from the Health Minister is significant: “My meekness has a limit.” And so? And then what should we expect, Minister? You beat up the governors?
Perhaps those who whisper that Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte has infected his ministers are right. And that of health has inoculated a virus of unsuspected arrogance. A person usually on the road like Roberto Speranza has been carried away by a sentiment that announces havoc, just because a wave of protest against that Italy in color has risen from the territory that has given the idea of punishing certain political areas rather than repressing . the coronavirus curve in the highest risk regions. But the health minister cannot afford such an attitude. And we want to be sure that he will find a way to apologize to the governors who unexpectedly exposed the wind of protest unleashed in the territory. The left of the government closes some regions between orange and red bands; and locally it sends its activists (and the pentastelada serfdom) to take it out on those who govern the regions. So it’s really easy.
But it is precisely the presidents and mayors who count the dead, who manage the treatment of the sick, who reassure families who fear the worst. And Speranza allows herself to say that her meekness has a limit.
It is not clear if the minister called to face the return pandemic is there or is. It does not explain the enormous delays of Dr. Domenico Arcuri, wanted by Conte, in having the intensive therapies equipped throughout Italy. Initially they wanted to ignore the regions, then much later they involved them with enormous delay, in October instead of May as they should have done. The spectacle of hospitals with enormous difficulties is for all to see. And Speranza lets us know that it is no longer mild … Yesterday the House also took the liberty of telling the opposition that we should not make a controversy. He, the minister who dreams of condo whistleblowers to spy on neighbors at dinner on more than six people …
However, it seems treacherous to ask the minister for an account of those areas with which he painted some regions and not others. It so happens that painting the correct ones orange and red …
He says he’s fed up with the governors’ attacks. As if it were normal to inform only some and not all and certainly without sharing the measures with the enormous impact they have had on the territories. But Speranza moans, and even Myrta Merlino hits him: «Is Roberto Speranza losing his meekness and patience? Frankly we too. And it describes very well, the driver of the Aria that La7 raises, the climate of exasperation that citizens experience. Ask our people what limits the patience of people who are not ministers.
They are by no means tame, but enraged by such arrogance that it didn’t seem possible. One really wonders who he thinks he is, Roberto Speranza. He is there, in that delicate ministry, to reassure himself about the duty to protect the health of citizens and instead allows himself a hateful tug of war with the institutions closest to the territory. Do you think that you can scare a population that feels prisoner of absolutely exaggerated measures and above all not justified by any transparent motivation? Hope has not lost its meekness, but has lost contact with reality. A politician, in a democracy, must know that he is always at the service of a community. And if you do not understand the reasons for the discomfort, it means you are a despot.
No one understood the glove treatment reserved for Sheriff Vincenzo De Luca. While everyone understood what is happening in the Nicola Zingaretti region, the domain of the government majority. Every day, and not just our newspaper, we talk about a Lazio health system that cannot provide assistance to the sick. There are countless fools, the stretchers for hours in the ambulance, the obnoxious lines for tampons, and much more. But Lazio is the yellow zone, because Hope decided it. And be gentle …