The Sweden it is a separate case. A story in itself. A country that has faced the epidemic of COVID-19 avoiding the emergency shutdown. A choice that has been talked about a lot around the world: many have used critical tones, others have pointed to Stockholm as an example to follow, or at least to observe carefully. The creator of this strategy is epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, director of the Swedish Public Health Agency, which has become popular in Sweden and beyond since the pandemic.
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Today that Europe is dealing with Second wave, with a jump in infections in many countries, among which Italy Tegnell explained. “We have had an increase in infections, but it is already slowing down, we hope we can control the wave we have and we are sure that we can do it.” Tegnell said that last spring Sweden did not impose a blockade on its citizens, but specified: “We have a virtual lockIn practice, many Swedes have shut themselves up at home. ‘ “One of the biggest differences compared to other European countries – he continues – is that in Sweden we do not close or reopen even after our “virtual lock“We have maintained the same measures throughout the period and this has had the effect of containing infections.
Last updated: 13:09