
Sadism, torture and abuse practices children, even in some cases newborns. With a real database divided by age, sex and ethnicity. Video and photographic material that was exchanged through the dark web communicate on encrypted networks. But cyberprudence was not enough for the network of pedophiles framed by the postal police who arrested 3 Italians, denouncing 17 other orcs on the loose for spreading child pornography and instigating practices of pedophilia.
Among the recipients of the benefit there are also numerous foreigners reported to the authorities of the countries of residence. The budget of the operation “Checkmate” against online child pornography carried out by the Police in several Italian regions and coordinated by the Catania District Prosecutor, has discovered a new network of pedophiles with searches and kidnappings in Bolzano, Brescia, Catania , Chieti, Como, Lecco, Milan, Naples, Parma, Pisa, Rome, Savona, Sassari, Torino, Treviso and Varese, as well as in other foreign cities.
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The investigation is the result of lengthy undercover activity, with the suspects using anonymous systems like Tor and Vpn and encrypted messaging services to exchange photos and videos of a child pornographic nature, categorized according to age criteria. sex and ethnicity, with horrible content of child abuse, including babies, some of whom are victims of sadistic practices.
On several occasions they shared accounts of their sexual experiences with minors. During the investigations, agents of the Catania Postal Police and the National Center for the Fight Against Online Pedophilia (Cnaipic) in Rome, thanks to a meticulous investigation, collection and analysis of data, also managed to locate some of the places of abuse and identify three victims. .
An operation that adds a new piece to the world of child pornography in Europe after maxi-raid a couple of days ago in France against pedophiles. Some 60 people, suspected of having downloaded and consulted thousands of photos and videos of child pornography, had been detained by investigators: all between the ages of 28 and 75; at least four are accused, among other things, of child abuse and rape, he had reported to the agency France Presse Eirc Bérot, head of the central office for the repression of violence against people, who coordinated the operation.
Last updated: 08:57