Rachele S. is 25 years old, lives in Zelarino and on Thursday night she returns from an internship in a graphic studio in Conegliano (Treviso) – saved a man’s life. Although she, now in Orthopedics at Angelo’s hospital, downplays the excitement and joy: “I just tried to help him,” she says. But what the facts tell us is that Rachele S. risked her life to save that of a man she did not know and of whom she did not know, and does not know anything. The extreme summary of the events is as follows: on Thursday night, around 8:00 p.m., a train entering the Mestre Ospedale station collides with two people, a man and a girl. Both are saved, they will have to deal with a long forecast, but they will make it. The colors of a crime story are put into the words of Rachele: “I was coming back from work, I got off the train and I saw a group of people on the sidewalk, around a man – remember – they were helping him and when I arrived they told me what I was lying on the tracks and they took him to safety. As soon as the situation began to calm down, other people went home while I stayed. I wrote to my mother and she was with him – continues Rachele S. – I made him sit on a bench, I talked to him, he replied “Why are you helping me, am I from outside the EU?”.
“I told him there was no difference and that I would be there to help him. It was strange, it was obvious that he was not well. At one point, as Rachele tries to reassure him even more, that man, a thirty-five-year-old homeless Romanian with a criminal record on his back, gets up, takes a few steps and falls back on the tracks. “I didn’t know what to do, also because I had heard that a train was coming to our platform.” Rachele goes back to those endless moments in a second of silence, and then she says it all: «I got off the track, I tried to move her by pulling her by the body, by the legs, as the train approached. Everything seemed surreal to me. “But he did not think for a moment to go back to the sidewalk:” I tried to carry it to the end, then the train passed and I don’t remember anything. All I know is that I crushed myself on the sidewalk seeking refuge and they shot me in the leg. When the train passed I saw that the man was still there, it was incredible, I was afraid they had crushed him. Then help arrived. ” passed in front of him, he hit the handbrake slowing the train. Rachele had leg surgery on the night between Thursday and yesterday: “I have a broken tibia and a thigh injury, but it could have been worse” The thirty-five-year-old has several fractures, he too has undergone Angel surgery and is no longer in danger of death. «I’m fine, I have the hospital staff by my side who are very kind, I thank you all. Volunteer? No, I have never done it but my mom is a nurse and who zás I have something ». Rachele’s mother, Adriana, answers the phone at Zelarino’s house: «On Thursday night she wrote me a message when she usually gets on the bus – says her mother – She explained that she would be late because she was helping someone. Then I didn’t hear from her again and we understood everything when the police and the hospital doctors called us. Fortunately everything went well. When I spoke to her -Mom Adriana closes- she minimized, tried to sweeten the pill to heal us: she said nothing had happened, but it was not true. We are proud of her, we always have been.
Last update: 09:30