so Berlin got the go-ahead from Orban in the recovery fund


The agreement in principle is there, but now the word returns to the leaders. During yesterday’s meeting between the ambassadors to the EU of the 27 member countries, who as usual prepared the European summit today and tomorrow, Germany put on the table the mediation proposal that convinced Hungary and Poland to withdraw the veto on the multi-annual European budget, which includes significant support from the Recovery Fund. The government of Angela Merkel, who holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU, would have convinced the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban withdraw the veto with a substantial postponement of the entry into operation of the mechanism to protect the rule of law With the provision of a mandatory stage before the judges of the EU Court of Justice, who will have to give their opinion on the mechanism, Brussels could let the violations of the EU principles go for another two years, just as long as Orban takes. to be re-elected.

The German proposal

The rule of law mechanism was created to block the arrival of EU funds to countries that do not respect the independence of the judiciary and other parameters of the legality of public spending, such as the fight against fraud and corruption. Smoke in the eyes for Warsaw and Budapest, already in the Commission’s sights for the violation of the European principles of division of powers and freedom of the media. For this reason the two countries banned especially the financial package of 1,800 million euros to request the elimination of the mechanism in dispute. Request returned to sender by the Brussels institutions, as the protection of the rule of law is the result of years of negotiations between the Commission, the Council of the EU and the European Parliament. The exit was glimpsed yesterday with a document that, without changing a comma in the basic text, integrates the discipline with “an interpretation of the provisions,” diplomatic sources explain. Basically, if the mechanism is activated against a State, the latter can ask the Court of Justice of the EU to express its opinion on the legitimacy of the budget protection process that could lead to cuts in funds for countries that do not respect the principles of the EU. The term for a sentence varies from a year and a half to two years and, pending trial, the sanctions to the countries will be blocked.

The critics

“This is exactly the moment that Hungarian Prime Minister Orban needs to win the 2022 elections,” he said. Moritz korner, German MEP of the Renew Europe group, to the political newspaper. The same assessments are shared by exponents of the Greens and other European center-left formations, who in any case do not doubt that the commitment represents a step forward because it will allow us to start as soon as possible with the recovery plan for the EU economy.

The leaders’ agenda

In any case, the compromise reached will need the approval of the leaders, without which it will not be possible to proceed with the start of the budget ratification procedure. The antecedents speak of a possible resistance to the commitment on the part of the Dutch government, determined to avoid delays in the hardening of the rule of law. Certainly, Poland’s veto of Hungary will be the stoned guest at this week’s European summit during which, according to the program, we will talk about something else. The broad agenda of the European Council stems from the now inevitable update on Covid-19 and the difficult health coordination of the EU for the fight against the pandemic and the distribution of the first two vaccines that could receive authorization in the coming weeks. The leaders will then begin an afternoon session dedicated to climate change. During the working dinner, international issues and relations with Turkey will be discussed. On Friday morning we will talk about relations with the “southern neighborhood”, or the countries of North Africa, and security. “At the end of our meeting – wrote the President of the European Council Charles Michel In the invitation letter to the leaders, the presidents of the ECB and the Eurogroup will join us for a Euro summit in an inclusive format ”, that is, with the 27 member states. “This will be an opportunity – writes Michel – to discuss the economic situation and provide further guidance on the Banking Union and the Capital Markets Union.” In this part of the meeting, the approval of the reform of the ESM and the introduction of support for the Single Resolution Fund is expected. “Regarding relations with the UK, negotiations are underway on the basis of our common mandate,” says Michel. “It is not the intention to schedule a debate on the matter” and “the President of the Commission will brief us on the situation” after tonight’s working dinner with the British Prime Minister Boris johnson.
