Snow on New Year’s Eve: weather alert in Emilia Romagna. Tomorrow’s Forecast – Weather


Time: morning snow in Emilia Romagna (Fonte Arpae)
Time: morning snow in Emilia Romagna (Fonte Arpae)

Bologna, March 31, 2020 – Neve a New Year in Emilia romagnto. They say it forecast, which motivated the regional Civil Protection to issue aOrange alert (medium entity) valid from midnight to the same time on January 2 for the provinces of Piacenza me Parma.

Focus Weather forecast: snow to the plain. Here are the whitewashed towns on New Years Eve

Indeed, tomorrow, January 1, 2021, generalized rains are expected in Emilia, more intense in the western sector. Here, in the reliefs, they could give rise to rain. There Name is also expected in Flat earth in the Piacenza area and part of the Parma area. In the center of Emilia, the snow level will be around 800 meters. Furthermore, the phenomena of freezing rain in the mountain valleys between the provinces of Parma, Reggio emilia me Modena: here the alert is yellow. Yellow alert for snow Also in Reggiano it’s in the Modenese.

But the chapter does not end there bad weather. Civil Protection has issued ayellow alert (minor) for brakes me full of minor waterways for the provinces of Piacenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Forlì-Cesena and Rimini; for wind throughout Romagna, whose Apennines will be hit by strong gusts from tomorrow night.

As to big, the wave height and sea level forecasts are below the attention threshold, however, considering the state of vulnerability of the beaches due to previous events, local phenomena of Enter Marina.

The weather warning in Emilia Romagna

Weather in Emilia Romagna: forecast

How the weather will be in the next few hours: video
