Smears by family doctors, the agreement is made and affects everyone, even the part of the professionals represented by the unions who have not signed the agreement. The government announces a financing of 30,000 million euros to finance the operation. I thank the free choice general practitioners and pediatricians who have signed today, with a sense of responsibility, the new national collective agreement. The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, writes on Facebook.
But not everyone agrees. The president of the Order of Doctors of Milan, Roberto Carlo Rossi, foresees a “revolt of the condominiums” due to the possibility that in the coming days the doctors of family They begin to rub swabs in their studios: “I don’t know what will be done here in Lombardy, how it will be organized, but I can assure you that in contexts such as condominium studios, especially in urban realities like Milan and the interior or Brescia, this is simply impossible. “He says.” To understand the climate in which we are already working – Ross continues – I will tell you an episode: I just received a warning from the lawyer of the condominium where I have the study because those who live in the building claim to have met a patient mine without a mask. ”There is a very high level of concern, with infections on a constant increase in recent weeks, says the white coat.
It is not the only critical voice: “It is unacceptable that family physicians are forced to do swabs in the office when voluntary availability could be requested, allowing those who do not have adequate space in their clinic not to expose patients to risks and themselves “. Angelo Testa is the president of the autonomous national union of Italian doctors (Snami) that has not signed the agreement with the public side, closed instead by the majority union, for the execution of rapid antigenic swabs and for the provision of diagnostic kits ( such as ultrasound and electrocardiographs) in the office.
Family doctor test, allocated 30 million. But only one union signs the agreement

Meanwhile, the Regions are already organizing. An agreement was signed between the Puglia region and the general practitioner unions that will allow family physicians to perform rapid smears in the offices or facilities that ASL makes available. This was announced by the secretary of Fimmg Bari, Nicola Calabrese. General practitioners will care for asymptomatic patients after 10 days of isolation, to support the Prevention Department and limit the quarantine period with the related social cost.
And pediatricians will also be swabs: there will be general availability of “about 50,000 rapid antigenic swabs a day, from now until the end of December, among pediatricians of free choice and family“Explains the president of the Italian Federation of Pediatricians (Fimp), Paolo Biasci. In this way “we will make a great contribution to the territorial prevention departments that are drowning overwhelmed by requests for tests.”