Smart work, what changes?
We have learned to work remotely, to hold online meetings, to reconcile domestic rhythms and to respect new rules (for example, the one in quarantine is prohibited from working even remotely, read the article). But On October 15 (unless otherwise specified) the state of emergency will end by the Coronavirus and, consequently, will also change the rules for smart work made easy introduced in the emergency phase.
The emergency crisis, which has led companies to experiment with new forms of work organization, has led to the need to adopt agile work by changing its purpose: from a path of organizational flexibility, aimed at reconciling the needs of the company and the employees, to carry out work performance, to preserve people’s health and guarantee the continuity of the company’s activities. In fact, except for further extensions to the state of crisis, the possibility of companies placing workers in smart working unilaterally and without the individual agreements provided by law 81/2017, ends with the state of emergency..
What happens next Here is a short guide on what to expect.
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