Slowly but progressively worsening epidemic: the worrying report from the ISS


In Italy there is a slow and progressive worsening of the SARS-Cov-2 epidemic: this is what the Weekly Report of the Ministry of Health reveals, although it observes that Italy does not have as many difficulties as in other European countries, Spain primis – Also this week there is a generalized transmission of the virus throughout the national territory. A total of 2,280 active outbreaks were reported during the follow-up week, of which 691 were new.

The growth of hospitalizations for Covid-19 in Italian hospitals is especially worrying, both in medical departments and in intensive care with values ​​higher than 5% for some regions. “In almost all regions there is an increase in the occupancy rate of dedicated beds both in the medical area and in intensive care. At the national level, the occupancy rate in the medical area increased from 1 to 2%, while the occupancy rate in intensive care increased from 2% to 3%, with values ​​higher than 5% for some regions“.

While no signs of overload of health services have yet been identified, the ISS and the ministry note, the observed trend could soon be reflected in increased engagement.

Coronavirus, transmission from young to old

According to the ISS report, outbreaks, even of significant size, are too often associated with recreational activities that involve gatherings and violations of physical distancing rules both in Italy and abroad.

This is also causing a local transmission from the youngest population to the most fragile or elderly, especially within the family, which is also reflected in a greater commitment of hospital services ”.

Therefore, it is recommended to take all necessary precautions even within the family.

According to the Report, the number of new cases of infection remains generally lower than in other European countries, but with a six week increase consecutive. Compliance with the prevention and quarantine measures recommended by health authorities remains a crucial and unavoidable element to counteract the spread of infection.

Reducing the time between the onset of infection and isolation remains a key element in controlling the spread of infection.

Coronavirurs, Route Italy 1.14

In the last 14 days there have been 27.89 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Most of the cases continue to be contracted in the national territory (15% of the new cases diagnosed in the follow-up week are imported from a foreign country). According to experts, “as of June, probably due to the reopening on May 4 and 18 and June 3, a slight but constant increase in the national transmission index (Rt) was noted at the national level, which exceeded the threshold of 1 around August 16, 2020. In the period from August 20 to September 2, 2020, the TR calculated on symptomatic cases is equal to 1.14.

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Coronavirus, Rezza: “Intrafamily transmission has begun”

“For the sixth week in a row, the number of covid-19 cases in our country increases even if the RT remains just above 1. There are many outbreaks reported in various Italian regions, even if the number of these caused by is decreasing they come back as tourists. Unfortunately, the age at diagnosis increases, which is now 35 years, which means the beginning of intrafamily transmission. ”Professor Giovanni Rezza, Director General of Prevention of the Ministry of Health, says this when commenting on the report weekly. “Of course – he concludes – for all these reasons it is necessary to continue behaving with prudence such as social distancing and therefore above all avoid gatherings, use masks in public places in particular and of course maintain healthy and precise hand hygiene”.

Coronavirus, today’s newsletter, Friday, September 11: 1,616 new cases and 10 deaths
