Slight weakening of high pressure | METEO.IT NEWS


A slightly more unstable climate with possible development of thunderstorms especially in mountainous areas. Temperatures still beyond the norm

The weakening of the high pressure will favor, on the one hand, slightly more unstable climatic conditions with the possible development of electrical storms, especially in mountainous areas, on the other hand, it will allow the approach of an intense Mediterranean cyclone (disturbance n.4) towards the Ionian Sector, whose most intense part, in any case, will be far from our territory. In the extreme south, in particular between eastern Sicily and Calabria, more general rainfall will therefore be possible, accompanied by a significant reinforcement of the winds. In this context, temperatures will only suffer a slight decrease, however remaining at summer levels. As of Friday, the cyclone, whose actual trajectory is not yet well defined, should move away towards Greece and the atmospheric pressure should increase again, allowing a return to more stable conditions. In the last part of the week, therefore, a return to a calmer situation is expected with a predominance of sun and temperatures always above average, in addition to the possible approach of a disturbance in the Northwest on Sunday.

Slight weakening from high pressure

Weather forecast for Wednesday. In the Center-North and in Sardinia there is a wide clearing, in addition to a certain cloudiness between Piedmont and Lombardy, in the Middle Adriatic and the possibility of some showers or storms in the afternoon in the Alps and in the interior areas of the Center. More extensive cloudiness in the other regions, especially between Calabria and eastern Sicily, where showers and thunderstorms will also be possible along the coasts. The maximum temperatures today almost everywhere in slight decrease, with values ​​in general of 27 to 32 degrees. Weak winds, apart from reinforcements from the north over the lower swell Ionian.

Slight weakening from high pressure

Weather forecast for Thursday. Sunny weather in the Center-North and in Sardinia with possible storms in the reliefs in the afternoon. Cloudy in the south and in Sicily with rains and showers between Calabria and Tyrrhenian Sicily and, in the afternoon, also over the rest of the southern Apennines. Maximum temperatures slightly decreasing in the south, stationary or rising slightly in other places, always in summer levels with maximum peaks of up to 32-33 degrees. Winds from the north sometimes strong on the Ionian side.

Slight weakening from high pressure
