Water (again) agitated in the house 5 star movement. The scoppola received by the party in the Regionals and Municipalities cannot be mitigated with the victory of “Yes” in the referendum to cut parliamentarians. That grillino was a failure in full swing: the pentastelados candidates for the Regionals -with the exclusion of Ferruccio Sansa, who in any case clearly lost to Giovanni Toti- collected less than 10%; while the M5s were excluded from practically all the ballots of the municipalities (with the exception of Matera).
Former political leader of the Movement and current chancellor Luigi di maio, having rejoiced in the triumph of “Yes”, pushed the regent Vito Crimi: “The regionals, on the other hand, could have organized in another way and also in the Movement with another strategy …”. The words of the owner of the Farnesina were joined by the most controversial and poisonous of Alessandro Di Battista, who spoke of the “identity crisis of the 5 Star Movement”, describing the debacle of the Regionals as the greatest defeat of the M5. The Keeper of Seals is positioned in the Di Maio line Alfonso Bonafede: “We should have organized the Regionals in another way and I reiterate the importance of the General States also to identify the future path and new issues, always based on our founding values. We must relaunch our action in the territories as soon as possible”.
After those of Di Maio, Bonafede and Dibba came the considerations of another great match such as Paola Taverna. The vice president of Palazzo Madama, in fact, requested the convocation of the so-called States General as soon as possible to give new life to the party. “The whole Movement needs it”stressed the 5 star senator. However, it is difficult to think that an internal reorganization of the 5 Stars could not have any consequence in the celebration of an executive already full of problems and with a Pd that, thanks to the electoral result just obtained, could raise the bar of their requests ( and claims) to the allies.
There are many, different and disparate voices that are raised among the pentastellati in these hours. Today the senator Barbara lezzi – as well as minister for the South in the experience of a yellow-green government -, interviewed by Corriere della Sera, said the M5s are not at risk of division, but it runs the risk of disappearing if it does not find new political leadership as soon as possible: “The problem is not alliances. We lost in Puglia, in Campania. Just look at Liguria and some municipalities: the defeat concerns only the M5S. It is true that it was a disaster. We have lost everywhere. Its alot. The 70% who voted yes in the referendum did not vote for us “.
However, Lezzi defends the current regent Crimi: “I don’t think it’s his fault, he did a good job in a moment of emotion”. And, in fact, he points a finger at those who have criticized his work: “Di Maio does not say how he would have organized the Regionals differently. The responsibility does not always fall on someone else. In senior management meetings, Vito has never failed… ”.
In the morning the words of Paola Nugnes, former senator of the 5 Star Movement, expelled for differences with the party line. To the microphones of Cusano Italia Tv, guest of Restart, the current senator of the Mixed Group, says she is sure of Di Maio’s intentions to regain the reins of the Five Stars. These are her words: “The 5 Star Movement has collapsed and I believe that the broken things cannot be fixed. Luigi Di Maio wants to regain leadership”. The confrontation has just begun.