“Slap in the face of Lombards and Sicilians”, what is not in the numbers – Libero Quotidiano


A few minutes from the press conference of Giuseppe Conte The first criticisms about the new Dpcm arrive. Attilio fontana, after seeing Lombardy labeled as a red zone based on coronavirus numbers ten days ago, breaks the delay: “Communicate to the Lombards and Lombardy, at dinner time, that our region is relegated to the red zone without La Valid and credible motivation is not only serious, but unacceptable – commented the President of the Region -. To make this government decision even more incomprehensible are the data through which it is adopted: information ten days old that they do not take into account the current epidemiological situation. “The Northern League, as the opposition repeatedly reiterates, accuses the government of never having listened to the regions and beyond:” A slap in the face to Lombardy and to all the Lombards. A way of behaving that my people do not deserve ”.

To echo him too Nello musumeci, President of the Region of Sicily. “The choice of the national government to relegate Sicily to the orange zone seems absurd and unreasonable – he started to make a fuss -. I told him and repeated it tonight to the Minister of Health Speranza, who wanted to take the serious decision. without any prior agreement with the Region and beyond any legitimate scientific explanation. “

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For Musumeci something does not add up: “One figure for everyone, today Campania has had more than four thousand new positives; Sicily a little over a thousand. Campania has almost 55,000 positives, Sicily 18 thousand. Do we want to talk about Lazio? Today it hospitalizes 2,317 positives compared to 1,100 Sicilians, with 217 in intensive care compared to our 148. However, Campania and Lazio are assigned to the yellow zone. Why this spasmodic desire to hit hundreds of thousands of Sicilian companies ahead of time? We ask the Conte government to modify the layout, because it is unfair and unjustified. Cunning doesn’t pay ”.
