As an exception to the red zone, Valle de Aosta extends until Sunday the order to open small businesses that the government had asked to revoke. The autonomous community continues forward, which yesterday approved a law to have more room for maneuver in the management of preventive measures. And it plans to open some ski resorts, even if only for agonists, in addition to the Breuil-Cervinia area, already in operation since the beginning of November for the training of elite athletes.
The tug of war between President Erik Lavevaz and Regional Affairs Minister Francesco Boccia therefore continues after yesterday’s invitation to withdraw the provisions of the Aosta Valley that ease pressure on business activities. “This election must be placed within the constitutional prerogatives,” Lavevaz explained. “We wanted to make this ordinance – he added – because it seemed clear to us that with these steps taken in recent weeks significant inequalities have been created among Italian citizens.”
At the origin of the tensions between Rome and Aosta is the lack of transfer to the orange zone, scheduled for last Friday, but granted only to Piedmont, Lombardy and Calabria. «We have data from the orange zone since November 9, but we will only be reclassified next Sunday, December 6, so after almost a month; Also, we will most likely be in the yellow zone around December 20, even if the data puts us in that band as early as November 15. Something is wrong “, remarked the president of the Region, anticipating that the Rt del Valle de Aosta dropped to about 0.70.
Minister Boccia returned to relations with the autonomous community, trying to soften the harsh tones of yesterday: “I believe that the regions, especially those that have a special status, only have to win with the loyal collaboration to which we often President Mattarella refers, “he said. he said, inviting Valle d’Aosta to remain within “a perimeter, which is the one we are in, of international prophylaxis, which leads the central state to establish guidelines for the protection of health.”
But the draft of the latest Dpcm opens a new front: “We have been bothered by the travel rule that we consider unfair,” Lavevaz said. “There are communes and communes – he continued – Rome is also a commune but with millions of inhabitants and with an enormous extension. You will not be able to travel to the neighboring town for Christmas lunch, even in towns where there may be no restaurant. This creates disparity between territories ”. Even at the inauguration of the ski lifts, the president of Valle d’Aosta complains: “None of our proposals have been accepted.”
Last updated: 22:06