“Situation to collapse” · El Reggino


824 positive cases to date in Reggio alone. Almost 2,400 in the entire province. The mayor: “The Gom can’t take it anymore.” School closures and patient transfers are evaluated

Coronavirus Reggio Calabria, Mayor Falcomatà's alarm:

The first citizen of Reggio Calabria Giuseppe Falcomatà has ordered the ASP to urgently provide the transfer of patients Less serious Covid from Gom to Gioia Tauro hospital.

To make the necessary provision are the figures that, according to the metropolitan mayor, have already led to the collapse of the Reggio hospital: “Starting tomorrow, if relocation does not take place, some departments will need to be closed to make room for Covid patients and we cannot allow this. “

The hospital is in trouble and the figures reported by Falcomatà, updated yesterday, do not bode well. «Only in our city, in Reggio Calabria, yes there are 824 infections, in the whole province there are 2393 of which 216 hospitalized. The situation is collapsing and, despite the meetings in the Prefecture and the various reminders, we have not received any comments from the AEP. The Gom won’t hold out considering the constantly growing number. For these reasons, I decided to order the Reggio ASP for the transfer of less serious patients from the Gom to the Gioia Tauro hospital ».

A fact that today seems distant considering the lack of medical and health personnel to be employed in the structure. In spite of everything, the mayor confirms that he has shared and agreed on the decision with the prefect and for tomorrow morning he has called the anti-covid working group to evaluate the closure of all schools. “El Gom has informed us that children are beginning to be hospitalized – says Falcomatà worriedly – who recover in a few days but still need assistance. So even if the ASP does not respond, I will consider closing all schools anyway. We must protect ourselves to protect others by avoiding nonsense.

And to the deniers or conspiracy theorists, who are not lacking in Reggio, Falcomatà tells them «stop saying bestialities and be serious. That masks are useless or harmful, tell those who have lost a loved one.
