After the appointment of Renato schifani a political adviser (substantial openness to the Conte government, with the former president of the Senate who had opened up to dialogue), Silvio Berlusconi in the first person to request collaboration in the management of the coronavirus emergency: “The situation has never been so serious“, he clearly explains in an interview with Corriere della Sera in which he invokes “concrete facts” and points out that “it is soon to talk about a national blockade“.
The blue leader stresses that “what matters today is working with the government that exists, even if it is not the one we would like. What I can rule out is our participation in an executive with incompatible political forces with us. Another very different thing is that the opposition gets involved. In truth, I have asked several times that all the best energies in the country be invited to collaborate, not only from politics, but from culture, business, science, work, in a great collective effort to respond to the emergency ”. , he comments.
And again, Berlusconi also says that he is willing to vote on the next budget variation, but “of course under certain conditions – he stresses -. We will vote the deviation if it serves, for example, to give immediate compensation to those who had to close their business, to finally pay the debts of the public administration, to cover a blank fiscal semester, suspending all payments to the State at least for those in difficulties.
When they point out that center-right allies, Matteo salvini me Giorgia Meloni, seem much colder when faced with the hypothesis of a collaboration, Berlusconi responds: “As I have said several times, if we and our allies always had the same opinion on all issues, we would not be an alliance, we would be a party“And again, a joke about case-Mediaset, with the vote of the Democratic Party in favor of the amendment that prevents foreigners from taking power, read Vivendi’s French: “The government operated in total autonomy. As for Mediaset, if I had had to think about my interests company, I wouldn’t have had to go out into the field in 1994, ever ”, Berlusconi cuts.