single child allowance, scrapping bonus, VAT, sugar tax and tax credit


Maneuver, measures: from the one-time allowance for children to the scrapping bonus.  Interventions also for VAT numbers

The final seal of the Senate has arrived in the 2021 budget bill. Between the 110% superbonus extended until the end of 2022, the relaunch of the scrapping of cars also in 2021, the interventions by VAT numbers, the unique allocation for children, the maneuver of about 40 billion leaves Parliament with a series of innovations, including aid to sectors and micro-bonds, valued in the order of 5 billion. Palazzo Madama has sealed the ‘closed box’ of the Budget Bill some 48 hours after its assignment in the Budget Committee (after the approval of the House on the 27th night) to avoid the risk of the provisional exercise that would trigger if the provision is not published tomorrow in the Gazzetta.

This squeeze of time prevented the Commission from completing the work, as well as introducing changes in the Senate even in the face of an error that must be corrected in an ad hoc decree law: a matter that, as expressed in the Chamber by the Deputy Minister of Economy, Antonio Misiani does not question the coverage but if it is not corrected it would not allow full use of the Irpef bond of 100 euros. An anomalous process that generated criticism from the opposition and was also recognized by the majority, which, however, motivated it with the emergence of the situation.

Maneuver, anti Covid measures

In front of the anti COVID-19 In addition to the cessation of VAT on vaccines, 650 million will arrive to hire 3,000 doctors and 12,000 nurses who will be deployed for the vaccination plan. Among the novelties is also the postponement of the application of the ‘sugar tax’ from July 2021 to January 2022 and the prior information in the Parliament of the Minister of Economy on any aggregation or variation of the shareholding in relation to Mps. Among the ‘sectoral’ interventions are the 500 million allocated to the airport system through a specific Fund. Several support measures for the automotive sector have been confirmed and integrated: together with the scrapping bond for electric and hybrid vehicles, collected up to 4 thousand euros between the state and the concessionaire price and valid for all of 2021, an incentive was introduced for six months thermal cars up to 3,500 euros.

The ‘package’ in favor of the self-employed, also introduced at the push of the opposition, provides for a so-called ‘white year’ with the exemption of minimum contributions for all fees and professionals, both in charge and not, most affected by the pandemic. With one billion euros allocated, a new redundancy fund is set up for VAT numbers registered in the independent management of the Inps. It is the ‘Enrolled’, experimental for 2021-2023 that will pay six monthly payments from a minimum of 250 euros to a maximum of 800 euros. The world of work may also resort, more generally, to the extension of the audience of the extension contract. Cig, Naspi or Discoll workers can also use the check for more than 4 months. The 30% exemption of social security contributions paid by private employers for employees also extends until June 30, 2021 for the South. Finally, green light for the ninth safeguard for the exodus.

Maneuver, the tax credit

Regarding the guarantee system for companies, among other things, the expansion of the operations of Sace’s Italian Guarantee is ordered with the opening, as of March 2021, to mid-caps. And 90 and 100% of the loans granted by the Fund will be covered until the first half of next year. While the public guarantee on loans of up to 30 thousand euros granted to freelancers and artisans affected by the pandemic is extended to 15 years. The maneuver also provides for the extension until June 30, 2021 of the operations of the ‘Italy Guarantee’. The Report also foresees, as part of a broader strengthening of the Transition 4.0 program, the extension until December 31, 2022 of the tax credit discipline for investments in new capital goods.

Another tax credit of up to 20% of the sums invested will benefit Pir SMEs in case of losses and capital losses. Finally, the reimbursement by Spruce to injured savers ranges from 90 to 100%. There is no shortage of a substantial package of bonuses and vouchers connected, in some cases, to different ISEE ceilings. Thus it will be available to everyone (within the availability of a fund of 20 million for 2021) cousin From a thousand euros for replacement of showers, toilets and taps in a key of sustainability, while the ceiling for the renovation of furniture and appliances rises to 16 thousand euros (with a deduction of 50% of expenses).

Another fund of 10 million will allow, during the next year, the private storage of quality wines, to offset the losses caused by the COVID-19. With Isee up to 10,000 euros then it will be possible to have a voucher of 50 euros, from 2021 to 2023, for the purchase of glasses. And with Isee up to 20 thousand, only for 2021, by having ‘Spid’ you can receive a ‘smartphone’ on loan for use, equipped with two subscriptions to online publications (the so-called ‘digitization kit’).

Last updated: 17:38

