
Campania becomes the red zone. What was an indiscretion came true with the announcement of the mayor of Naples, Luigi De Magistris. Therefore, the data provided by the Regions would be compatible with the attribution of the measures for the Campania’s “red zone” , currently in the yellow zone. The data passed scrutiny by Cts. Now the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza will sign the ordinance that should take effect as of Sunday, November 15, but there is still no confirmation on the date.
What changes for Campania
With the passage to the maximum level of risk, the blockade is activated. If the following steps confirm this decision, Any movement, at any time, will be prohibited, except for proven reasons of work, health, necessity. Bars and restaurants are closed seven days a week, while take-out is allowed until 10pm and home delivery is unrestricted.
Shutters lowered for all shops except supermarkets, food and basic necessities, pharmacies, tobacconists, newsagents, parapharmacies, laundries, hairdressers and barbers.
All sports activities suspended except events of national interest organized by Coni.
Confirmation of the Mayor of Magistris
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Live broadcast of De Luca
It was held the usual Friday live in which Vincenzo De Luca takes stock of the situation about the ongoing Covid emergency. These are his words:“It was a week where there was a lot of looting because of what happened, we have to keep working. We, as a Campania region, were about to close everything down for a month to stop the contagion and arrive at Christmas in sustainable conditions. The government has decided to make progressive proportional elections, a totally wrong choice because contagion does not increase linearly but exponentially. This lost us two precious months during which the virus spread. They have decided to keep the schools open, now they have closed late. No one apologized. Even Italy divided into a zone is a thoughtless and chaotic choice ”.
Today’s data
Today, the governor adds, the ”data on the aspect of health in Campania speak of 3900 new infections with a percentage of almost 25 thousand tampons that is 16.5 percent. For three or four days, this percentage has decreased slightly. Hopefully it’s a trend. In hospitals, we have a 27% occupancy of intensive care, 190 of the 650 beds available and enough beds for patients with Covid. We are currently the region with the lowest mortality rate from Covid “.
The attack on the government
Then De Luca examined all the measures on nightlife and on the obligation of tampons for those who come from abroad: “They told me not to do it but I wanted to do it anyway, the Municipality of Naples had opposed our ordinance against nightlife. Fortunately, the judges agreed with us. The Government did not cooperate with the police forces in the fight against the concentrations. We have closed mobility between provinces and put Arzano in the red zone. Ours has always been a penalty line, closing everything was the only solution ”.
The attack on the media
“In all the broadcasts they spend 10 minutes in Naples and Campania to loot, with face-to-face interviews. We have seen images of the busy Naples waterfront without even a strict control. A meeting prohibited by law. The forces of order and the municipal police have done nothing. Those images motivate a red zone. He had invited mayors to act and many have done so such as Giugliano, Castellammare, Pozzuoli and Aversa. Other mayors have tarnished the image of Naples and Campania without caring what was happening and was happening on television. Today we must close everything and the national government must take responsibility.
The attack on Di Maio
“Luigi Di Maio was also added among the jackals, that he wanted to be the health commissioner and said that modular hospitals were useless. If I say the name, I get reactions that are better verified. This is not a government, except for a few ministers the rest is useless, they just cause chaos. I challenged this character to a public debate where, how and when he wants. I tell the Democratic Party that it is better not to be in government with these characters. Better a government of national unity ”.
Then he attacked Roberto Saviano, Minister Spadafora, Covid “With the exception of three or four ministers, this is not a government. It would be a hundred times better to have an executive of national unity than fans in disarray. Then he accuses the mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris, the chancellor Luigi Di Maio and the sports minister Vincenzo Spadafora and returns to the concept of “political and media looting against Campania”.
One of the blows is the subdivision of the territory into risk areas: «The decision to divide Italy into orange, red and yellow areas was a thoughtless decision that created chaos. a great idiocy ».
Obligation of medical prescription to undergo swabbing even in private laboratories. This is what provides for a provision of the Campania Region, sent to the general directors of the Asl, effective as of today. “In order to ensure a better adaptation of public health routes – read the text – it is established that in order to perform a swab for the Sars-Cov-2 research, in a private laboratory, at no cost to the Regional Health Service , it is necessary a medical prescription on a white prescription with the indication of the execution of the prescription “.
Covid: Naples; S. Giovanni Bosco reopens, tomorrow the first 40 beds
– Tomorrow the San Giovanni Bosco hospital in Naples reopens, which was closed on October 30 and converted exclusively into a covid19 hospital. This is what Asl Napoli reports, starting at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow, 19 hospital beds will be opened on the second floor and 21 places on the third floor, for a total of 40 beds. These positions will be immediately supported by laboratory analysis, radiology and anesthesiology services. Once the functional adaptation work has been completed to guarantee the safety of health workers, who will be admitted until next Friday, the specialized hospitalization posts will also be activated: 12 gynecology and obstetrics posts with nursery schools; 6 orthopedic posts; 15 positions for general, vascular and neurosurgical surgery; 8 places plus 4 of ICU (coronary intensive care unit) for cardiology and hemodynamics; 4 postoperative intensive care posts.
All patients will be covid positive.