1 minute, 45 seconds

SITUATION. The anticyclone continues to be the leading baric figure during the Winter Solstice and maintains stable weather conditions in south-central Europe and Italy. In fact, the new week begins with a stable climate, although disturbed by the presence of frequent fogs and low clouds in the coldest hours in the lower strata. A static and completely immobile situation, but destined to change radically in a few days. In fact, the anticyclonic dominance will begin to erode already in Antivigilia, at the height of the Franco-Iberian Atlantic slopes, by an increasingly deep North Atlantic depression between the United Kingdom and the English Channel.
ANTIVIGLIA, FIRST RAIN IN THE TIRRENICHE. This will lead to some deterioration of the climate at the height of the western regions, with increasing clouds and some rain as early as Wednesday in the Tyrrhenian regions and in Liguria, more frequent between Spezzino and Upper Tuscany. Sunnier areas are expected in the Adriatic, Ionian and Insular regions, with a fairly mild climate at the moment.
CHRISTMAS NIGHT, WORST IN THE NORTH, SARDINIA AND TIRRENICHE. This will prepare the way for the entry of a first frontal system that on Christmas Eve will begin to erode the high pressure field, passing over part of Italy and determining a more incisive deterioration in the north, in the west of Sardinia and on the Tyrrhenian side, with the arrival of some rain or snow to the Alps. Ultimately, these phenomena will remain weak, but destined to intensify in the days immediately following, when the influx of cold air from northern Europe to the central Mediterranean will favor the formation and deepening of a low pressure vortex with completely wintry overtones. Meanwhile, conditions will continue to be sunnier in the south-central Adriatic regions and in the south, with temporary rising temperatures to remember the gentle southern currents that precede the advance of the North Atlantic front, with peaks even of 18 ° C in Puglia. To know the evolution planned for Christmas and San Esteban, click here.