Silvia Romano, the three videos and blow them to raise the price. The game ends in Qatar.


The braid cut

When Silvia is captured on November 18, 2018 in the village of Chakama in Kenya by three armed men, the matrix of local criminals is credited. Instead, everything was planned, the terrorists ordered the kidnapping. They make a first stretch of road on a motorcycle, they go deep into the forest. “They gave me clothes, a pair of pants, a shirt and a sweater. Then they cut my hair. We had to walk among the brambles, they told me it was better ». A month later, while everyone is looking for her in Kenya, Silvia is already in Somalia. The extremists already have the conditions ready to obtain their release. Money, a lot of money. From that moment they begin to play with fear, they spread news making believe that Silvia is dead. She is first said to have been involved in a shooting, after she may have been the victim of a foot infection that could not be cured. In Kenya they look for him with drones and jokes in the forest. Several times the local police announced that “the release of the Italian aid worker is imminent.” But it’s just a bluff. Actually, Silvia is very far away and has changed at least two lairs. In May 2019, when the first video arrives to prove that she is alive, intelligence He spoke of the Italian government’s response: Let’s negotiate the conditions.

Videos on mobile

“I was held hostage by six people. They came in groups of three. Their faces were always covered, but over time I learned to understand the differences between them. Only one spoke English, and I think he was the boss. He was the one who ordered what I had to say while filming me on the phone. My name and the date of the day. I kept time writing the diary ». In that notebook, Silvia notices what happens on a daily basis. Months go by and now he remembers «that moment when I felt the need to believe in something. I asked to read and they brought me the Koran. So I found comfort. “Then Aisha became. She moves further, they make her travel aboard cars and trucks. They lock her in a room where they bring her food. She is always alone.” But I heard the other muezzin calling the other rooms, so I think they were villages. “In August, the group leader asked him to film another video. It is the second proof of life requested by theintelligence. September 19th The newspaper publishes the news that “Silvia was forced into an Islamic marriage with one of her torturers, forced to convert.” After months of silence, confirmation comes that it is in the hands of the fundamentalists. The anguish rises. And also the price of their release. Negotiators suggest that it is located in southern Somalia, in that area of ​​Jubaland, where extremists are the only masters. The Aise 007 led by General Luciano Carta work in collaboration with the Somali secret services, but depend mostly on Turkey. In those contacts that undoubtedly turned out to be decisive in keeping the channel open and bringing Silvia home. The last video of January 17, 2020 arrives in Italy in mid-April. But it is not enough, in these three months of emergency shutdown coronavirus worldwide Silvia may have died.

The double game

The decisive card, as it happened in other kidnappings, is played through Qatar. It is there, between the end of April and the first days of May, where the mediators deliver the last proof of life and obtain the green light to pay the ransom. Then the signal is given that the game is over. Last Tuesday, the gang leader enters the prison where Silvia is segregated. She will remember that moment on Sunday afternoon, in Rome, at the police station where she was taken for questioning after returning to Italy. Silvia’s voice betrays emotion by shaping the memory in front of the prosecutor Sergio Colaiocco and the colonel of Ros Marco Rosi. “He said” it’s over, we’ll free you. “Then he loaded me onto a tractor where there was another man and we traveled for three days.” Two nights outdoors, three days before the end of the drama. On Friday afternoon, some thirty kilometers from Mogadishu, Silvia gets off the tractor and gets into a car where two other men are waiting for her. It is the representatives of the state who will take her to the embassy. Team members who in these 18 months have never stopped looking for him. Some mortar rounds are fired upon entering the diplomatic office. The alarm sounds, but Silvia is now safe. At dawn begins the journey home where he arrived last night. And in that apartment where she closes with her mother and sister, Aisha’s new life begins.

May 12, 2020 (change May 12, 2020 | 07:23)

