Silvia Romano free and converted: the turning point in a video


I’m Silvia Romano, I’m fine … January 17, 2020, the young volunteer appears in a video. proof in life that theintelligence He waited to give the green light to the last phase of the negotiation and authorize the payment of the ransom. Since then, another three and a half months have passed marked by an ascending game that at times has made us fear the worst. Until Friday night, when the exchange takes place in an area 30 kilometers from Mogadishu. The young woman arrives dressed in the traditional clothing of Somali women and with her head covered, she appears to be in good health. She was immediately transferred to the Italian embassy in Somalia and when asked to change, she explains that she is one convertedShe clarifies that she wants to talk to my mother about it as soon as I see her again. Already in recent months, news had circulated that she had been forced to marry one of the jailers and join Islam. She is a young woman weakened by a one and a half year prison term and excruciating psychological pressure, therefore it is only after returning to Italy that it will be understood if this is really her choice. Maybe already on Sunday afternoon when squestioned by the magistrates and the carabinieri del Ros just to rebuild these dramatic 18 months.

The turning point in November

The real sign that everyone is waiting comes six months ago a few days before the kidnapping anniversary. a test in life, maybe another movie. The information received so far is contradictory, at times even proving that she may be dead. Some local informants and the same kidnappers who captured her in the town of Chakama, 80 kilometers from Malindi, where she worked for the non-profit organization. “Africa Milele“They said they had given it to the Somali fundamentalist faction after a week-long trip to the forest. Examination of the January film confirms the jihadist matrix. Diplomacy e intelligence coordinated by the director of the Charter of Aise Luciano therefore I understand that the open channel to reach the fundamentalist group of Al Shabab well. So we proceed, aware that the more time passes, the higher the ransom price will be. Somali secret services are collaborative, the “sources” that have allowed them to proceed are different. Some have been activated by Turkey, which has strong control over that area.

In the cave

The emissaries of the group. indicate the Bay area as the location of the prison, in the town of Buulo Fulaay. They say that for a time she was locked in a cave with other hostages. They set the final price, after the money paid to pay the different contacts. There is no precise figure. To get an idea, in 2012 the liberation of an English hostage cost his country the equivalent of one million and 200 thousand euros. The problem is not the money to be paid, but the certainty of dealing with the right people. That is why we coordinate with Somalis and Turks in the most delicate passages. Security conditions in Somalia are almost non-existent, they are asked to hurry up. A few weeks ago the last test came, the negotiation now in its final stages.

The exchange

In the last days a group of 007 moves to Somalia and supports those who have followed the story from the beginning. You must organize the appointment, make sure that the hostage is delivered safely, knowing full well that the exchange is the most delicate moment. You choose an area 30 kilometers from Mogadishu at night. There are mortar explosions, especially there is a flood. However we proceed. The meeting is scheduled for Friday night. At night when Silvia arrives accompanied by the emissaries of the kidnappers. physically and psychologically tested The trip to the capital still has some obstacles. But a few hours later, in Somalia still at night, the news came thatand Silvia finally safe at the embassyto. Gratuitous. 007 interrogates her and then talks on the phone with Prime Minister Conte and Minister Di Maio. Talk to mom, to dad. I will see you again in Ciampino today. And it will be the return to life.

May 10, 2020 (change May 10, 2020 | 07:06)

