Silvia Romano, Di Maio: “There are no bailouts for me. Threats? Risks escort Italy after we liberate her from the terrorists”


“There is no ransom for me” for the launch of Silvia Romano, “Otherwise, I should say it.” Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, interviewed by “Fuori dal Coro” on Rete4, denied that a ransom was paid for the liberation of the Milan cooperative. “Why is the word of an interviewed terrorist worth more than that of the Italian state?” He said, referring to today’s interview with the spokesman for the Shabaab who spoke about the payment of a ransom by Italy. A version, that of Di Maio, confirmed shortly afterwards at La7 also by the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza: “I have no news of payments,” he said.

The Foreign Minister also spoke of the threats received by Romano in the last hours, threats that led the Milan prosecutor to open an investigation. “I don’t want to be moral,” he said, “but none of us know what it means to remain in the hands of a terrorist cell for a year and a half who recruits children, criminals. We are waiting for this girl to find her serenity: a series of threats have unleashed that risk of making her have an escort in Italy after we have freed her from a terrorist cell. We don’t know what was behind his smile when he got off the plane. “

Prosecutors are also investigating the security protocols followed by the nonprofit organization Silvia Romano left with. In this regard, Di Maio said: “It is not one of those recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This is not a demerit, but it is not part of what Italian cooperation finances. Many times it is said ‘to avoid migratory flows, we must help them there’, but to do it we also go with volunteers. We will do our best to ask for greater security for NGO volunteers as the foreign ministry. “

“ME in December I heard Silvia’s fatherI knew she was alive and couldn’t tell her. In these cases, if you provide information, if there is a leak, you risk compromising everything, “he said. Regarding the controversy over his presence at Silvia Romano’s arrival in Ciampino, he replied:” I saw this debate: we were there, I was there Because in this year and a half of imprisonment of Silvia Romano, the Crisis Ministry of Farnesina and Myself really felt her family every day and we were there to help the family. The state was there to receive an Italian citizen released after a year and a half in the hands of a terrorist cell. “And he concluded:” I respect all discussions, but we are a country that also has a hoe on its feet, I am proud of the the fact that our intelligence, our special forces, our diplomatic corps, the crisis unit have teamed up and they have. “ support: never like now
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