ROME Designer clothes, watches, a free ticket to see your favorite team in the stadium and a river of money. This was the price of the favors of the Capitol officials who ended up in prison and under house arrest for having put themselves at the service of the lobby of the most powerful street vendors in Rome: the Tredicine family, Dino and Mario in particular. But among the clients of the civil servants there were also trade unionists who had to take care of the respect of rotations in street commerce and a group of merchants who had reinvented themselves as tax collectors: the gang extorted threats and violence from their colleagues according to a tariff. Variable described by the victims: 2,500 euros per month for periods of low work activity, 4,000 for vacations. But for banquets in the center, the price was even 700 euros a day.
Rome, racket stalls: street vendors forced to renounce Covid subsidy
Racket stands in Rome: “The best place costs 4 thousand euros a month.” Some even paid 700 euros a day
Organized crime posts in Rome, 18 arrests: Dino Tredicine in prison, his brother Mario under house arrest
Also the favors of Alberto Bellucci, former manager of the Rotation Office of the Municipality now imprisoned, and of his right arm Fabio Magozzi – under house arrest – had a price. The first would have received, in addition to more than 100,000 euros, also “the promise of a watch, a jacket, a polo shirt” from the brand. And also a ticket to see Roma in the stadium and many “little thoughts”, that is, cash. When Giovanni Zappalà -one of the traders from home- meets Bellucci in his office in May 2018, the words captured by the bugs and the images recorded by the cameras placed by the Treasury are eloquent: Zappalà wants to place his accountants in more positions. advantageous. He takes an object out of his trouser pocket “which is supposed to be a set of bills”, looks at the examining magistrate, and puts it on Bellucci’s desk. “Tie this is for you,” he says. The officer grabs the package and places it in the desk drawer. Then the two talk about the parking spaces. At the end of the day, Bellucci, before leaving the office, opens the drawer and seems to be counting the bills. Then, take the wallet and put the contents of the package inside. At the end he says: “And the practice is sensationally settled.” The intercepted words of a union member under investigation, referring to the official, seem clear, saying: “As long as Alberto is there, the category does not tremble.”
The favors of the officials, on the other hand, are many and are done mainly to the exponents of the Tredicine family. Bellucci’s contacts with Dino and Mario are frequent, there is a relationship of trust and friendship. There are meetings at home and at the bar, during which the official shows up with stamps and documents stolen from the office. On June 5, 2018, for example, Dino Tredicine and Bellucci agree on the delivery, outside of working hours, of work shifts. “Good evening doctor,” says the merchant; “I’ll bring you those shifts tomorrow,” responds the public official. As he has done on other occasions, Bellucci hopes to be alone in the office and, after having collected some documents, hides them in a bag “to later meet with Tredicine and deliver” everything, says the investigating judge. The tredicine has no brakes: as a member of the Fivag Cisl secretariat, he exploits the public official “to enter the Department both physically and metaphorically,” he reads the ordinance and obtains information “about political orientations, meetings,”. His influence is very strong, so much so that on June 7, 2018, after having urged Bellucci to work – “da fà” – he boasts of having met the new director of the Department “, he entered and I greeted him from there … He walked all the way down the hall and came to say hello, okay? I also told him that one night we were going to have dinner ». And Bellucci:” But you know so much that I know you, you won’t worry. “Mario Tredicine also gives orders:” Take that word away of the conference, “he tells the official who is preparing a circular.
While the fear of getting caught is a lot, running the business is more important. Later, Dino Tredicine, in January 2018, proposes to Bellucci that he use a dedicated sim, registered in the name of a Bengali, to avoid wiretapping. “If you have to make calls to someone,” he says, and saves his contact. And when Bellucci responds that “there was no need”, the merchant responds: “It’s better, Albè, let him go.” And in fact, in February 2019 the whole group is searched (some suspects had hidden the tacos in the kitchen hood, under the exercise bike, on a piano) and Tredicine’s problem is to put together an alibi for the money cash they found at home. The investigating judge describes “the disorderly attempts to hide as much documentation as possible by depositing it in boxes, basements or rooms, or by putting it in a van, or behind a masonry wall.” The judge quotes a conversation between Dino and his son Dario: “If they go to see everything, the system could come back and tell me: do you have the other things?” And the son responds: “I will tell Virgilio, somewhere if he puts it in the garages.” And the father responds: “Otherwise, if I could rent a truck in someone’s name.” In another conversation the son says: “Tell mom to get the money out of the envelopes right away, because I seem to know about bribes.”
The pressure in the municipal offices does not come only from Dino and Mario, but also from the third brother Tredicine, Alfiero, former president of the Apri Confesercenti union, who however is not investigated. On November 28, 2018, he went to Bellucci’s office to talk about the decision that the Department must make on a project that concerns the historic center. The director of the department has called a conference of services and Tredicine did not take it well: “If they later decide something wrong, what do we do?” Then he threatens the official and reminds him that he has already expelled the previous councilors of commerce because they are hostile to him: “Don’t do that because I screw you up.” An episode that, according to the investigating judge, demonstrates how “all members of the Tredicine family exercise a power of intimidation against members of the public administration and local politics, boldly bragging about the already successful retaliation with the obvious purpose of intimidation” . .
It is clear from the documents that the street vendor gang also sought a political camp, especially through Vittorio Baglioni, then provincial secretary of the Fivag Cisl. Circumstances on which no evidence emerged from the investigations, so much so that no politician is investigated. The Tredicines also claim to have contacts. On June 12, 2018, Mario told Baglioni that he had spoken with a lawyer who had been called to work in the Cabinet of the Ministry of Labor, “one day we will have to go to lunch, you and he … he is a representative in the Rome Region and everything, you can do something for us, do you understand? The examining magistrate, however, underlines how Baglioni strives to “offer his services to the Tredicina.” He claims to be able to communicate with a councilor from the Region of Lazio and even propose the possibility of communicating directly with Minister Lorenzo Fontana. He also speaks of Senator William De Vecchis, with whom he would boast of “political credit” due “to a set of votes carried to the last elections.” Baglioni affirms that he can also communicate with the president of the Rome municipality trade commission, Andrea Coia. Kamal Asaad, one of the sellers arrested for extortion, even proposes to “convince Coia also through the delivery of gifts, according to a practice already in force “, emphasizes the investigating judge.
Last updated: 06:47