Sicily, smart work returns to the Region after the rise of infections


Now the individual pieces of the Region advance in no particular order. Because after the increase in infections – and after the positive coronavirus cases have even reached employees in the offices that deal with the fight against the pandemic, those of the Department of Health – the general directors unilaterally return to work remotely, that also the president of the Region Nello Musumeci had asked not to run: the General Accounting Office, the Finance Department and the Department of Strategic Planning of the Department of Health are thus returning to remote employment.

A decision accepted with partial satisfaction by the unions: “We must complain – they write for example to Siad, Csa and Cisal in a note sent to Musumeci and to the councilor for the civil service Bernardette Grasso – a different reaction from the employers, who in some cases fearfully they almost concealed the event by cleaning the premises even at night and subjecting only the affected employees to a swab test to verify positivity. ”For workers’ organizations, safety measures such as sanitizing gel and spacing are not always guaranteed.

Also, the last few weeks have been tough. The unions report cases “in the Palermo offices of the Department of Agriculture in Via Camilliani, the Superintendency of the Sea, the Department of Labor, the Department of Health”, but in general the staff of the Region are on alert. “The increase in infections and the consequent increase in cases of public employees testing positive for the Covid-19 virus – wrote Fp Cgil, Cisl Fp, Uil Fpl, Cobas / Codir and Sadirs last week – we are concerned. We know that the Administration The regional government is implementing all the measures provided by the protocols for emergency management, from the mapping of contacts of positive people, with the help of the Asp, to the sanitation and sanitation of the premises from time to time, but we will continue to monitor the situation . to ensure that the health of public employees and users is always protected. ”In the offices, in the last week, false alarms and rumors of contagion have been pursued that later turned out to be false, due to a climate that now becomes increasingly harsh .

The decision of the three departments reverses the course with respect to a counterorder on smart work that arrived in July. In midsummer, the governor ran over Grasso to press the accelerator to return to office: “The decisions necessary to ensure return to service – read the note sent at the end of July to all the councilors of his council – must be taken as early as next week. Honorable Members are invited to ensure as quickly as possible the progressive return of staff to the offices up to the total number of staff. ” Now, however, only one garnish will be guaranteed. To return to caution after the jump of infections.
