
There are 478 new cases of Covid in Sicily, 25 more than yesterday. The tests are almost 21,000, with a percentage of positives that goes from 1.8 to 2.2%.
Eighteen dead, 261 cured. The number of people admitted to hospitals is the same as yesterday, 858 (-1 in intensive care).
This is the subdivision of the new infected by province: 183 in Palermo, 122 in Catania, 58 in Messina, 48 in Syracuse, 26 in Ragusa, 17 in Caltanissetta, 15 in Trapani, 7 in Enna, 2 in Agrigento.
Throughout Italy there are 13,114 new cases of coronavirus, for a total of 2,938,371 since the beginning of the emergency. The victims are 246, compared to 192 yesterday, bringing the total number to 97,945.
The tests are 170,633, a sharp decline from 257,024 yesterday. The positivity rate is 7.6%, up from 6.8% yesterday.
To date, there are 424,333 positives in Italy today, 1,966 more than yesterday. Since the beginning of the emergency, 2,416,093 people have been discharged and cured, with an increase of 10,894 in the last 24 hours.
There are 2,231 patients admitted to intensive care, with an increase of 58 units compared to yesterday, in the balance between entries and exits. Daily admissions are 171 (yesterday they were 131). On the other hand, 19,112 people are hospitalized in ordinary wards, 474 more than yesterday.