
There are 539 new cases of Covid in Sicily, 27 less than yesterday. The region is the twelfth in Italy. More than 25,000 tests carried out, with a positivity rate that went from 2.2 to 2.1%.
The victims of the virus are 17, while the cured are 1,122. 36 fewer people are hospitalized in hospitals (-6 in intensive care).
This is the distribution of the new infected by province: 190 in Palermo, 150 in Catania, 47 in Syracuse, 44 in Agrigento, 36 in Messina, 28 in Ragusa, 22 in Caltanissetta, 12 in Trapani, 10 in Enna.
Throughout Italy there are 20,884 new positives, for a total of 2,976,274. Yesterday it was 17,083. The death toll in one day is 347. Since the start of the pandemic, 98,635 people have died.
There are 437,421 positives today, 6,425 more than on Tuesday. The number cured and discharged since the beginning of the emergency is 2,440,218, with an increase of 14,068 in the last 24 hours.
358,884 swabs (molecular and antigenic) were made. Yesterday the tests were 335,983. The positivity rate is 5.8%, up from 5.1% yesterday.
There are 2,411 patients in intensive care, an increase of 84 units in the daily balance between entries and exits. Daily admissions are 222, the same number as yesterday. On the other hand, patients admitted to ordinary wards are 19,763, an increase of 193 units compared to yesterday.