Stop yelling in class. At least this is what the Scientific Technical Committee expects after the latest indications released on Monday.
Stop yelling in class. At least that’s what Scientific Technical Committee after the latest indications released on Monday. Screaming increases the shedding of droplets that, if infected, have the ability to infect. However, it is difficult to think that everyone in a class remembers this, that it is also wise to remain silent.
The identikit of the teacher who says aloud “State zittiii!” he does not know age or sex. Especially in primary and lower secondary school, with the most unruly students, it happens that you have to raise your voice to call a student for a disciplinary reason.
Now teachers will need to be much more careful when using this system to restore order in the classroom.
To tell the truth, fewer and fewer teachers use this method, also because, as several scientific studies have pointed out, the humiliation that screams give can be counterproductive for the student. Most of the time (he does not always want to specify, ed) whoever raises his voice reveals little pedagogical capacity and sends a negative signal, that by raising his voice, he is able to make himself heard, to impose his own vision.
Yelling in class is useless, now there is one more reason not to.
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Back to class, Petropulacos (CTS): “Singing and yelling increases the dispersion of drops, do not sing in music lessons”
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