It seems that the government is serious and wants to bet on Gino Strada entrust health management in Calabria. The profile of the founder of Emergency emerged after the shocking video, published exclusively by ilGiornale.it – in which new Commissioner Zuccatelli was felt to support strange theories about the Coronavirus. “The mask is not good for shitting! To contract the virus, if I am positive, do you know what to do? You have to stay with me and kiss me for fifteen minutes with your tongue in my mouth, otherwise you will not catch the virus!“, he had declared. And to think that confidence in the health manager -among other things already a candidate in the Cesena college in the Senate for Liberi and equal- had been conferred after the sensational fool of General Saverio Cotticelli, who only discovered on television that he had to deal with the Covid plan.
So the Giallorossi, embarrassed by what happened in a few days, immediately went to work to remedy these failure and they would like to entrust the Italian activist not only with the management of the health plan in the Region, but also a broader operational role. Prime Minister Conte, who has already heard him on the phone, is therefore about to fulfill the dream of the sardines and the 5 stars: both, with the support for also from the Democratic Party, they have advanced the proposal to reward Strada in Calabria. Rumor has it that he could work together with Zuccatelli, perhaps organizing Covid wards and field hospitals to deal with the pandemic.
The wrath of Nino Spirlì
But how did local politics take it? In the words of Nino Spirlì, the hypothesis is certainly not to everyone’s liking. “Also send us the Comboni Missionaries and tell us where we should dig the wells. But what does Gino Strada have to do with it? Calabria is a region of Italy, we do not need medical missionaries Africans, we do not need it. We don’t need geniuses from other parts of the world, least of all Professor Strada.“thundered the acting president of Calabria into the microphones of Came back in La7. His wish is that the “good teachers“From the place you can assign the tasks of managing the health care of Calabria:”We don’t need to be enslaved in our healthcare. Enough is enough, it’s a shame that the government should end“.
It was also to attack the executive’s hypothesis Giorgia Meloni, which spared no harsh words and categorically rejected this possibility: “It seems to me that very politicized elections are being held and I wonder if it is time for ideological elections, to get into politics on an issue like the one we are dealing with.“.