TURIN. Hanging by a thread. That of the contagion curve, which continues to rise, putting the health system in trouble. And that of the measures to try to contain it, for which a new grip is coming.
The decree with which the government will intensify the restrictions, dividing Italy into three risk bands, is scheduled for today, no later than tomorrow. Needless to say, Piedmont is among the unsafe regions, those destined for the most drastic measures that Health Minister Roberto Speranza was able to sign tonight. Stop in for dinners and gatherings, even at home, except for relatives; stop movements outside the Region except for work and health reasons; bars and restaurants also closed for lunch, shops closed (except pharmacies, tobacconists and grocery stores), smart work for all public administration, curfew at 9pm and distance education from second grade to the last year of high school: These are the measures hypothesized (but not yet decided) that could reach Piedmont and Lombardy.
A return to last spring, with few but substantial exceptions: factories, nurseries, kindergartens and elementary schools. A scenario before which the president of the Region Alberto Cirio, who also looks with extreme concern at the data from Piedmont, is not unbalanced for now: «We are engaged in several meetings with the government on the issue of the next containment measures. We had asked that the interventions planned by the State have a national character and we were partially listened to. For example, about 100% distance education in high school and about the closure of shopping centers on weekends, “he explains. “These are measures that, however, do not change the situation in Piedmont, which had already adopted them with its own regional ordinances in recent days. Now we are waiting to understand what scenarios the government is really thinking about for individual regions and, above all, what measures will automatically take effect based on the reference framework of each territory, as they have announced. We have not yet received official communications on this at this time. We know that the final calculations will only be made tomorrow based on the latest data with a timely and updated view of the situation.
A prudence that is also explained by the desire to maintain a balance between the need to face the health emergency and that of not dissatisfying the categories that will be sanctioned, or at least not appearing as those that have called for new restrictions. That is why they attack the oppositions in the Region, from the regional secretary of the Democratic Party Paolo Furia to the leader of the equal and green Liberi Marco Grimaldi. Same plot: Cirio and the League are federalists when it comes to taking resources and taking credit for some financial aid, less when it comes to taking responsibility for the elections in their territories, especially if they are unpopular; They wanted autonomy in the reopening, now they don’t want the responsibility of the closure.
The health emergency remainsia in a region that is among the worst conditions in Italy, relaunched every day by the infectious bulletin. There are deaths: 21 deaths of people positive to the Covid-19 test reported by the regional crisis unit, two of which occurred yesterday. Then the infections: more than 2003 compared to Sunday, of which 853 (43%) are asymptomatic. The cases are broken down as follows: 989 evaluations, 565 case contacts, 449 with ongoing investigation. By areas: 112 in the RSA, 216 in the school perimeter, 1,675 in the general population. The general subdivision, at the provincial level: 7,030 Alessandria, 3,689 Asti, 2,433 Biella, 9,154 Cuneo, 5,925 Novara, 40,227 Turin, 2,794 Vercelli, 2,115 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, as well as 522 residents outside the region, but in charge of hospitals Piedmontese. The remaining 744 cases are pending. Last but not least, hospitalizations: another 281, 17 in intensive care and 264 in non-intensive care. All this compared to 11,113 swabs processed.