Emilia Romagna stays at least until December 3 including the “orange zone”. This was confirmed by the governor of Emilia Romagna, Stefano Bonaccini, speaking on Friday morning on the La7 “Omnibus” broadcast. “I think the numbers say that we can go back to the yellow zone, but I guess we will go there next week,” the governor reported. On the other hand, the Region will lighten the situation of the shops, which may reopen this Sunday.
In fact, the expiring regional ordinance will be reviewed: it is that additional package of measures that were taken two weeks ago together with Veneto and Friuli Venezia-Giulia, then all in the yellow zone. “It is likely that this regional ordinance will discolor it a bit,” Bonaccini confirms. Given that we kept the stores closed on Sunday, I think we will decide to reopen them this Sunday and allow individual courses, if not collective ones yet, “which we had suspended. As the part of the regional ordinance gets better, we begin to loosen it a little, since the restrictive measures are paying in terms of reducing the curve. We had a Rt that was around 1.64 a few weeks fa – Bonaccini still remembers – we’re going to drop a little above 1. Things are definitely better. “
This means that in the days leading up to holidays and holidays, large and medium-sized sales structures, both with a single store and with several stores, regardless of how they are connected, including shopping complexes, are open to the public. activities of all kinds of sales, even in neighborhood shops, interiors or in a public area. In any case, the closure of bars and restaurants is still in force, with take-out allowed until 10 pm and home delivery without restrictions.
The main restrictive measures for the ‘orange zone’
– It is forbidden to circulate from 22 to 5 hours, except for proven reasons of work, need and health.
– It is forbidden to enter and leave from one Region to another and from one Municipality to another, unless reasons for work, study, health, or necessity are demonstrated. Recommendation to avoid unnecessary trips during the day within your municipality.
-Closed bars and restaurants 7 days a week It is allowed to bring food until 10 pm There are no restrictions for home delivery.
-Closure of shopping centers in the gestivi and prefestivi days with the exception of pharmacies, parapharmacies, points of sale of food products, tabaccherie and edicole inside.
-Closure of museums and exhibitions.
– Distance education for secondary schools, except for students with disabilities and in case of use of laboratories; Face-to-face teaching for kindergartens, primary and secondary schools.
– Universities closed, except some activities for freshmen and laboratories.
-Reduction up to 50% for public transport, except for school transport.
-Suspension of gambling halls, betting rooms, bingo and slot machines also in bars and tobacconists.
-Pools, gyms, theaters and cinemas remain closed.
-The sports centers remain open