“For tonight I will sign an ordinance that closes non-food shopping centers throughout the region,” explains Governor Alberto Cirio. We only keep open food and pharmacies, the basic necessities ”. In the capital, stop at the nightlife starting at 9:00 p.m.
A new ordinance is coming in Piedmont that provides for the closure of shopping centers during the weekend to counteract the spread of the coronavirus (ALL LIVE UPDATES – MAPS AND GRAPHICS).
Cirio: “We only keep grocery stores and pharmacies open”
This was announced by the governor of the region, Alberto Cirio. “For this afternoon I will sign an ordinance that closes non-food shopping centers throughout the region,” he told the microphones of Tagadà’s broadcast on La7. “We only keep open food and pharmacies, the basic needs.” The closing of shopping centers during the weekend is a “very strong anti-crowd measure”, says Cirio, convinced that he has implemented “measures of great rigor” in Piedmont, because “when you are prudent you are never wrong”.
“Business closed since midnight, but it’s not like curfew”
Cirio then recalled that the Region had already ordered the closure of all activities at midnight. “It is not like the Lombard curfew, where you cannot leave your home, but all shops are closed after midnight, a time that we have defended because they have made an effort to be in order. There are more risks of overcrowding. in shopping centers “.
The decision is also due to the proximity to Lombardy “
The stop of the shopping centers during the weekend was decided by the Piedmont region “also because of its proximity to Lombardy.” Governor Alberto Cirio explains it in a videoconference. “We have important shopping centers near Lombardy, which has closed them, so we would have run the risk of an invasion. A risk that we do not want to run”, explains Cirio.
In Turin close to the nightlife
New restrictions are also coming to Turin. Tomorrow, Mayor Chiara Appendino will sign an ordinance that orders the nightlife to stop starting at 9:00 p.m. from piazza Santa Gulia, via Matteo Pescatore and piazza Montanaro, the areas considered most critical. “Let’s start with these areas – explains the first citizen – gradually evaluating the situation to better calibrate the measures and eventually extend them to other areas”. Appendino also announced new talks with the Minister of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, the presidents of the District and the trade associations.