shopping and distance learning centers closed on weekends-


Tomorrow, Thursday, October 22, two new ordinances relating to the territory of Lombardy will come into force with effect until Friday, November 13. In addition to the so-called curfew, or the limitation of travel from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. except for proven work needs or situations of need or urgency or health, a second ordinance comes into force that provides for new restrictive measures.

The ordinance in summary provides: restrictions on the opening of large commercial structures and shopping centers on weekends; Medids for prevent overcrowding at food and beverage outlets and retail outlets; ban on community fairs and festivals.

the upper secondary schools should carry out their own activities to ensure, as of Monday, October 26, the full development of distance learning for classes, if they are already able to do so and without prejudice to special educational needs. To other institutes recommended for Realize the technical-organizational conditions in the shortest time possible, for the development of distance education.. The activities of laboratory they can continue to be performed in presence. It is recommended that leaders of educational institutions organize and differentiate the entrances to the school.

In relation to the Ordinance already in force since October 16, it was also decided that: for amateur contact sports The local, provincial and regional contests and contests remain suspended. On the other hand the individual training provided that contagion prevention measures are observed.

There are also a number of anti-crowd measures.

Here are the detailed provisions.

Restrictions on the opening of large commercial structures and shopping centers on weekends.
On Saturdays and Sundays the closure of large sales structures is ordered, as well as points of sale within shopping centers. The provision referred to in the previous period does not apply to the sale of food products, as well as to pharmacies and parapharmacies and other categories of products.

Measures to avoid overcrowding at food and beverage outlets and outlets
1. It is mandatory that both retail stores and food and beverage points of sale display a sign at the entrance of the place indicating the maximum number of people admitted to the place at the same time, in accordance with the protocols and guidelines. current guide.
2. These shops must adopt access rules, depending on the characteristics of the premises, in order to avoid crowds and ensure the maintenance of at least 1 meter of separation between customers. In particular, medium and large sales structures must guarantee what was established in the previous period, giving priority, as far as possible, to the modalities (app, internet, etc.) for reserving access to the business.

Ban on community fairs and festivals
1. The holding of the so-called community fairs and festivals referred to, respectively, in letters f) and g), section 2 of art. 16 of Regional Law 6/2010 that are held in a public space, thus excluding from this prohibition all fairs in accordance with art. 121 of the same Regional Law 6/2010 that are developed in specific exhibition areas.

Anti-crowd measures
1. The activities of food and beverage outlets in public and private areas (including, by way of example, bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries, steakhouses, pizzerias, kiosks, mobile bars) are allowed from 5.00 at 11:00 pm, with consumption at the table, and with a maximum of six people per table (cohabitants and family members are not counted in this number), and until 6:00 pm in the absence of consumption at the table. With the closure of public establishments at the established time, any administration to the customers present must be stopped and the premises must be cleared. Catering with home delivery is always allowed in compliance with hygienic-sanitary regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as, until 11:00 p.m., catering with take-out or drive-through food, with prohibition of consumption on site or adjacent.
2. The vending machines called ‘h24’ that distribute beverages and packaged food, overlooking the public highway, are closed from 6:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. this measure does not apply to vending machines for milk, dairy products and water.
3. The prohibitions referred to in the previous points do not apply to food and beverage points of sale on the motorway, ring road and airport network.
4. The consumption of food and beverages is prohibited in areas open to the public from 6:00 to 5:00.
5. The consumption of alcoholic beverages of any strength is always prohibited in public areas, including parks, gardens and villas open to the public.
6. Statutory auditors may adopt new restrictive measures, also in relation to the absolute prohibition of collection, and must guarantee maximum cooperation to verify compliance with these measures.

Amateur contact sports
1. All races and competitions recognized of regional, provincial or local interest by the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP) and the respective national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, sports promotion bodies are suspended. in relation to contact sports identified with the provision of the Minister of Sport of October 13, 2020 and carried out by amateur associations and clubs.
2. All amateur contact sports clubs and associations may carry out individual athletic training and training sessions, provided that there is an absolute guarantee that, by the clubs and associations themselves, the measures to prevent contagion are observed, including continuous compliance with interpersonal distances of at least two meters.

Prevention measures in relation to school activities
1. Second-grade secondary schools and second-grade vocational training institutions must develop their activities in such a way as to ensure, as of October 26, the full development of distance learning for classes, if they are already in conditions to carry them out and subject to any special educational need. The other institutes are recommended to implement the technical-organizational conditions in the shortest time possible, for the development of distance education. Laboratory activities can continue to be performed in the presence. It is recommended that school administrators organize and differentiate school admissions; For this, the regional offices (UAT), in conjunction with the regional offices of the schools (USR), ensure close coordination with the LPT agencies and the mayors of the reference areas.

The order bears the signature of Governor Attilio Fontana in agreement with the mayors of Bergamo Giorgio Gori; from Brescia, Emilio Del Bono; by Como Mario Landriscina; by Cremona Gianluca Galimberti; by Lodi Sara Casanova; by Lecco Mauro Gattinoni; from Mantua Mattia Palazzi; Giuseppe Sala from Milan; by Monza Dario Allevi; by Pavia Fabrizio Fracassi; by Varese Davide Galimberti; di Sondrio Marco Scaramellini, with the president of Anci Lombardia, Mauro Guerra and with the president of the Unione Provincie Lombarde Vittorio Poma.

October 21, 2020 | 17:56

