It happened just before 2:00 p.m. between via Santa Maria and via Albegno
A man died, his brother has a reserved prognosis. The story seems to be linked to a fight that took place during the night. Investigations in progress
OLGINADO – Shots with one dead and one wounded in Olginate. It happened early in the afternoon on Sunday, in via Albegno, in front of the Convent of Santa María La Vite.
Shots rang out from across the block. A 47-year-old man, Salvatore De Fazio, a native of Belcastro (Catanzaro), father of three children, was left on the ground, hit by bullets. Rescue in critical condition died shortly after being admitted to the Manzoni Hospital in Lecco. Another person, it was learned, was rescued on the nearby Crotto road with a gunshot wound. This is Alfredo’s 47-year-old brother., hit in the jaw and leg by bullets. The man managed to take refuge in Via al Crotto from where help was requested. The attacker escaped.
Two ambulances, one self-medical, the Carabinieri de Merate and Lecco and the State Police were immediately taken to the scene. The most seriously injured, Salvatore, was taken by ambulance to Lecco hospital. His condition was too critical, the 47-year-old man died. Instead, his brother Alfredo was hospitalized in Varese in the general resuscitation room. The forecast is reserved.
To clarify the contours of history, police is on the case. Among the hypotheses is that of a reckoning linked to the dispute tonight, also in Olginate, which ended with the injury of a 25-year-old, hospitalized with a head injury.
Always according to the first hypotheses, It appears that the perpetrator of the ambush is the father of the 25-year-old rescued tonight.. A reckoning that from the fight between children seems to have passed into the hands of the parents, in the most ferocious way. At the time of the ambush the brothers Salvatore and Alfredo were returning home, via al Crotto. According to some witnesses, six shots were fired, three directed at Salvatore and three at Alfredo. Having the worst of 47 years, injured in the head.
He also got on the spot the mayor of Olginate Marco Passoni, warned by the neighbors, anguished and shocked by what happened. Also present was the minority parent company Olginate si Cambia, Riccardo De Capitani: “I am shocked and bewildered” your comment.